Short Summary and Theme of Childhood Memories || Class 12 English CBSE

Summary of Memories of Childhood Memories of Childhood is a profound collection of autobiographical episodes in which the Native American author Zitkala-Sa and the Tamil author Bama share their profound childhood experiences of discrimination. Zitkala-Sa recalls being separated from her mother in order to attend a school run by white Americans. The school authorities forced … Read more

Summary of Thinking Out of The Box: Lateral Thinking || Class 12th

Have you ever encountered a problem that seems impossible to solve with traditional logical thinking? The present lesson teaches us the importance of lateral thinking. The students can also find other lessons included in their curriculum on this website. Summary of Thinking Out of The Box: Lateral Thinking The farmer owed a large sum of … Read more

A Thing of Beauty – Summary and Solved Questions|Class 12 Flamingo English, Poem 4 | JK BOSE |CBSC

A Thing of Beauty Introduction ‘A Thing of Beauty’ is a poem written by John Keats. He was born in London in 1795. His parents died when he was fifteen years old. He went to work as a surgeon’s apprentice. However, poetry piqued his interest. The poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ is a section of … Read more

NCERT Solutions ( Summary, Questions Answers) of The Interview by Christopher Silvester | Flamingo English, Class 12

The Interview by Christopher Silvester Introduction In our times, the interview has assumed a special significance. We get all the information about our contemporaries through the interview. It has become a part of journalistic practice. But the celebrities despise being interviewed. They consider it an intrusion into the privacy of their lives. They feel it … Read more

The Third Level – Summary, Characters, Theme and Solved Questions ( Vistas English)

THE THIRD LEVEL ABOUT THE AUTHOR Walter Braden “Jack” Finney was an American author. He was born on October 2, 1911 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Finney was given the name Jack Finney. After his father died when he was three years old, he was renamed Walter Braden Finney in honor of his father, but he … Read more

Keeping Quiet – Explanation, Literary Devices and Solved Questions ( Class 12 Flamingo English| JK BOSE

Keeping Quiet – Summary Pablo Neruda emphasizes the unique and as well as universal impact of having a sense of togetherness along with the need for introspection for mutual understanding. In this respect, he believes to bring total inactivity amongst all the people. They may realise some strangeness and enjoy the exotic moments in their … Read more

The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet Summary, Explanation and Questions Answers NCERT Solutions

The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet was written in the days of the Franco – Prussian War in which France was defeated by Prussia led by Bismark. The French district of Alsace and Lorraine passed into Prussian hands. It showcases the fact that the oppressor wants not only territory but also dominates over the language and culture of a particular country thus, taking away even the identity of the subjugated people.

The Rattrap – Questions and Answers, Summary and Theme | CBSE / JKBOSE Class 12 NCERT English Reader Flamingo Lesson 4

The Rattrap – Selma Lagerlof ABOUT THE AUTHOR Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf was a Swedish author and teacher who lived from 1858 to 1940. At the age of 33, she published her first novel, Gösta Berling’s Saga. In 1909, she became the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Main Points of … Read more

A Roadside Stand by Robert Frost |NCERT Solutions |Summary |Questions and Answers | Theme | Poetic Devices|Class 12

A Roadside Stand by Robert Frost Paraphrase In this poem, the poet contrasts the lives of poor and deprived countryside people who struggle to live, with the thoughtless city people who don’t even bother to notice the roadside stand that these people have put up to sell their goodies. Lines 1 to 6 The poem … Read more

The Rattrap – NCERT Solutions (Summary and Questions Answers)  Class 12 Flamingo English JK BOSE

The story ‘The Rattrap’ gives a psychological insight into human nature. The world around us is rampant with traps and dungeons waiting for our one slip. The author points out how greed for material things is trapping human beings. The short story upholds the belief that the inherent goodness of a human being can be awakened by love and understanding. It brings to the focus the notion that the universe is a rattrap. Riches, joys, shelter and food are all lucrative bait traps.

Poets and Pancakes – Summary and Questions and Answers Class 12

This piece, Poets and Pancakes, is taken from Asokamitran’s book ‘My Years with Boss’. He was a Tamil writer, writing about his years in the company. He  worked in The Gemini Studios. His duty was to cut out newspaper clipping on a wide variety of subjects and preserve them in files.

The Wreck of the Titanic” by Benjamin Peck Keith – Summary, Question Answers Plus One English

The Wreck of the Titanic" by Benjamin Peck Keith - Summary, Question Answers Plus One English 1

As the title alludes,this is a poem about one of the greatest tragedies of the sea, the wreck of the Titanic on 14 April 1912. The ship collided with an huge iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. However, this disaster has uncovered some of the finest deeds of bravery and heroism of a few people, including Captain Smith and the crew.