Plot Summary of The Chronicles of Narnia

Short Summary of The Chronicles of Narnia

This movie narrates the tale of four young children, who, during the air raids of World War II, are sent away from London to the countryside. There, they take up residence with a professor until itโ€™s deemed safe for them to return home. While playing a game of hide-and-seek, young Lucy happens upon a wardrobe in an otherwise empty room. She sees it as an ideal hiding spot and enters it, discovering a hidden world called Narnia. In the forest, she meets the friendly faun Tumnus, who invites her over for tea. However, he later confesses that he was going to kidnap her and take her to the White Witch, who has ordered all humans to be brought to her palace. Tumnus then repents against his actions, and helps Lucy to escape back through the wardrobe.

Upon returning to the real world, Lucy recounts her tale to her siblings, but they donโ€™t believe her and assume that sheโ€™s simply making it up. Lucy goes to Narnia again, and this time, her brother Edmund follows her. He meets the White Witch, who bribes him to bring his siblings to Narnia. The two return together through the wardrobe, but Edmund denies ever having been there when questioned by his other siblings.

The four siblings eventually enter Narnia together, and Lucy forgives her siblings for not believing her earlier. They decide to visit Tumnus, but upon arriving at his home, they discover it has been ransacked and that Tumnus has been taken prisoner by the White Witch. The four meet Mr Beaver, who gives them refuge from the Queen in his house. There, they learn of an ancient prophecy that tells of the Witch being defeated by four human children and a lion named Aslan.

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As they travel, the curse of the Witch on Narnia starts to break, and they meet Santa Claus, who gives them magical gifts. Edmund betrays them and goes to the Witchโ€™s castle to reveal his siblingsโ€™ presence in Narnia. Meanwhile, Aslan secretly leaves the camp and is later tied to the Stone Table and killed by the Witch. Aslan is resurrected, and he leads Lucy and Susan to the Witchโ€™s castle. Aslan restores the stone statues to life, and Peter and Edmund lead the Narnians against the Witch. Aslan arrives with the former statues as additional troops, and he kills the Witch. The Pevensie children are crowned kings and queens of Narnia at Cair Paravel by Aslan, but he disappears afterward.

Fifteen years later, the four kings and queens rediscover the wardrobe while chasing a stag in the forest. They return to the Professorโ€™s house and are suddenly children again. Despite ruling for over a decade in Narnia, hardly any time has passed in the real world.

Plot Summary of The Chronicles of Narnia

This cinematic masterpiece portrays the tale of four young children who are evacuated from their London home during the dark days of World War II, finding refuge in the countryside with a scholarly professor. While playing a game of hide and seek, the curious and adventurous Lucy stumbles upon a mysterious wardrobe in an otherwise empty room. Her innocent curiosity leads her into the enchanted realm of Narnia, where she encounters the amiable faun Tumnus. Over tea, he reveals his intention to kidnap her and take her to the White Witch, who has issued a decree that any human found in Narnia must be brought to her palace. Tumnus repents of his plan, and with his assistance, Lucy returns safely through the wardrobe.

Despite her sincere efforts to convince her siblings of the existence of this otherworldly realm, they are skeptical of Lucyโ€™s claims. Undeterred, Lucy ventures into Narnia again, this time accompanied by Edmund, who has his own reasons for seeking adventure. There, they come face to face with the White Witch, who lures Edmund with promises of power and position, if he would bring his siblings to her. Upon returning to the real world, Edmund denies the existence of Narnia, causing his siblings to doubt Lucyโ€™s veracity.

As fate would have it, the four siblings find themselves in Narnia together, and after apologizing to Lucy for their initial disbelief, they set out on an adventure to confront the White Witch, with the aid of the talking beavers Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. They learn of a prophecy that foretells of the Witchโ€™s defeat at the hands of four human children and a mighty lion named Aslan. Along the way, they are aided by Santa Claus, who presents them with magical weapons to aid in their quest.

Aslan, the true leader of Narnia, is a majestic and powerful lion who embodies wisdom, grace, bravery, and strength. With his army and the combined forces of Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter, he emerges victorious over the White Witch and her army, shattering the curse that had befallen Narnia. Aslanโ€™s grace and selflessness are awe-inspiring, as evidenced by his willingness to give up his life for Edmundโ€™s transgressions.

The White Witch

The White Witch, who fancies herself the Queen of Narnia, is ultimately subservient to Aslan, the true ruler. She is responsible for the eternal winter that has befallen Narnia, and it is only through the intervention of the four human children that the curse can be broken. Winter in the film is symbolic of evil and conflict, and the White Witch is the embodiment of this darkness. When Edmund first enters Narnia, she lures him with promises of sustenance and warmth, urging him to bring his siblings to Narnia so that he may rule beside her as King.


Tumnus, the fawn, is a merry and cautious creature. When he first encounters Lucy in the woods, the two form an instant connection and become fast friends. However, Tumnusโ€™ invitation for Lucy to stay in Narnia for tea puts her in grave danger, for any humans found in Narnia are taken prisoner by the White Witch. Consumed by guilt, Tumnus resolves to help Lucy escape Narnia, and through her kind and forgiving nature, Lucy shows him that he has been absolved of his wrongdoing.

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