The Kashmiri Shawl –  Questions and Answers | Tulip Series | Lesson 5 | JK BOSE

The Kashmiri Shawl Questions


I. Answer these questions:

Q. 1. What do you understand by ‘the talim’? Who writes it?

Ans. ‘Talim’ is a set of instructions or transcription written in traditional signs or shawl alphabet to facilitate the weaver to get design information which has to be woven on the shawl.

Talim’ is written by pattern master called the talim guru.

Q. 2. How is Pashmina obtained? How is it different from other types of wool?

Ans. Pashmina is obtained from the soft under-fleece breast hairs of Kel goat – a goat of special breed indigenous to high altitudes of Tibet and Central Asia. It is different from other wools because it is soft, delicate, and expensive.

Q. 3. How did the Europeans come to know about the Kashmiri shawl?

Q. 5. Who brought the shawl to Kashmir? How do you know?

Ans. It was Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen who brought the shawl to Kashmir. Carl Von Hugel, a well know historian visited Kashmir in 1836 and wrote that Buddha summoned skilled weavers and introduced Kashmiri shawl in Kashmir.

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Q. 6. How is the Kashmiri shawl different from the European one?

Ans. The Kashmiri shawls are being woven from the hair of wild goat which are lighter, smoother with a natural sheen. They are woven in only one piece. Their warp and weft are interwoven and interlocked.

While the European ones until the end of 1830 were woven from silk or wool which made them heavier and less fine.They
were trimmed and woven in several pieces.

Q. 7. Why are shawls so popular?

Ans. Kashmir shawls are highly prized for their fine wool, skilled weaving and embroidery, and soft texture. They are popular because they are used as wedding gifts. They are worn by brides as by men of elite class over their shoulders. Shawls have become the livelihood of many people across the world.

True / False

II. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Write ‘T’ for true or ‘F’ for false against the statements:

1. Naghz Beg visited Kashmir in 1836. False

2. Josephine got a Kashmiri shawl from Akbar. False

3. Pashmina wool is taken from a goat. True

4. Europeans could not copy the Kashmiri Shawl. False

5. The Kashmiri Shawl is made in Europe. False

6. Hugel visited Kashmir for more than a century after Bernier. True

7. European women preferred the Kashmiri shawl to their own. True


Kashmir is the place where Kashmiri lives. They speak Kashmiri.

Make similar statements about the following:

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Answers only

1. Britain is the place where British/Britons live. They speak English.

2. China is the place where Chinese live. They speak Chinese.

3. Israel is the place where Israelites live. They speak Hebrew.

4. Palestine is the place where Palestinians live. They speak Arabic.

5. Japan is the place where Japanese live. They speak Japanese.

6. America is the place where Americans live. They speak English.

7. Saudi Arabia is the place where Arabs live. They speak Arabic.

8. Holland is the place where Danes live. They speak Danish.

9. Ireland is the place where Irish live. They speak Irish.


I. Guess the concept and replace the pictures with appropriate prepositions:

i. Aslam put his ball into a box, and he locked it.

ii. The ball is on the floor. Lift and go out for the play.

iii. The thief jumped over the wall and ran away.

iv. The ball is under the carpet. Get it from here.

v. Don’t look through the window. They’re watching you.

vi. Construct your house a little above the ground level. The flood water will enter the house.

vii. Somebody is knocking at the door. Could you see who it is?


I. Read the following jumbled sentences and organise them to make a meaningful recipe:


1. Get one kilogram of red carrots.

2. Wash the carrots, grate them and put them in a pan.

3. Add one litre of milk and a tin of milkmaid and boil the mixture for 30 minutes.

4. When the milk is absorbed, add 3 tablespoons of ghee.

5. Stir continuously till the grated carrot turns brownish.

6. Add ground dry fruits.

7. Serve hot.

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