A House, A Home Poem – Summary, Theme and Questions Answers | Class 6 English| JKBOSE

A House, A Home by Lorraine M. Halli

Summary of A House, A Home

The poem ‘A House, A Home’ is a two stanza poem written by Lorraine M. Halli. In this poem, the poet highlights the difference between a house and a home. They differ in several ways. A house consists of rooms, a kitchen, a balcony etc which are made up of bricks, stone, wood and glass. Some houses may have a yard, chimneys and tiled floors. Depending on the need, these may have a large number of doors. There are some cemented structures, but no signs of life. Thus, a house is a lifeless building unless it is occupied by people.

A home on the other hand is a place where a family lives with love and affection. A house becomes a home when parents along with brothers and sisters live together and care for each other. They understand each other well. The family members work for the welfare of the family selflessly. They are kind towards each other and help each other in all ups and downs.

Theme Of A House, A Home

This short poem highlights the importance and value of a family. A family can turn every drab place into a joyful place brimming with love and life.

The poem aims to impress upon the children the notion that there is no place like home. No matter where one goes, it will never feel like home because their family does not live there to help make the house a home by sharing love and living happily.

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The poem also teaches a valuable lesson that charity starts at home, and it includes the content to help students understand the difference between a house and a home.

Questions and Answers

1. Do you agree with what the poet says? Talk to your partner and complete these sentences.

(i) A house is made of ……………………………………………………..

(ii) It has ……………………………………………

(ii) It has window glass, a yard, chimneys, tile floors. Doors and a roof.

(iii) A home is made by loving and caring parents, brothers and sisters.

(iv) It has family members who care for each other without any selfish motives.

2. Now complete these sentences about your house and home.

(i) My house is ………………….

(ii) The best thing about my home is


(i) My house is made up of bricks, marbles and tiles. It has beautiful windows made up of glass with a balcony and a roof.

(ii) The best thing about my home is that all of us understand and help each other in any distress. We live together peacefully and take out time for each other. We care for each other.

1. Who all are parts of a family?

Ans. Parents, Sisters and brothers are parts of a family They stand together in all ups and downs in life.

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2. Define a house.

Ans. A house is a non-living structure made up of bricks, stones and woods. It consists of windows doors and a yard.

Short Answer Questions

1. Differentiate between a house and a home based on the poem.

Ans. A house is a structure made up of bricks and stones. It has windows, doors, chimneys and a roof. On the other hand, a home is a place where family members live together selflessly. They love and care for each other.

2. What is the basic idea of the poet?

Ans. The basic idea of the poet in the poem A House, A Home is to show the importance of a home over a house. While doing this she compared a house with a home. According to her, a house is just an infrastructure which is built up of bricks, stones and woods.

There may be windows, tile floors, stucco and lots of doors but it is of no use until it is made a home. A home, according to the poet can be made by a family of father, mother, sister and brother who cares and loves each other without any selfish interest.
They share and are together in each other’s happiness and sorrow.

Q. Why does family play an important role in a home?

Ans. A home becomes a home due to the presence of a family which consists of a father, mother, brothers and sisters.

They do unselfish acts and take care of each other.

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