The Rape of the Lock โ€“ Easy Summary of the Whole poem, Themes, Style and Questions Answers

The Rape of the Lock About the Poem Alexander Pope, the dominant poetic figure among the Augustans, reflects the social tone of the urban literary world of his day. Born of Catholic parents, he was denied a formal education both in schools and the universities. Therefore he was a completely self taught genius. He chose โ€ฆ Read more

Summary and Analysis of โ€œIn Memory of W. B. Yeatsโ€

Introduction โ€œIn Memory of W.B. Yeatsโ€ was written by Auden in February 1939 in Memory of William Butler Yeats after his death in Roquebrune (Southern France) on January 29, 1939. This poem follows the traditional elegiac form. An elegy in literature is a poem that expresses mourning and grief, especially as a funeral song or โ€ฆ Read more

W. H. Auden: Poems Summary and Analysis of โ€œSeptember 1, 1939โ€

โ€œSeptember 1, 1939,โ€ one of Audenโ€™s most famous and oft-quoted poems, gained new prominence after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Curiously, though, Auden came to dislike this work, finding it โ€œdishonestโ€ and a โ€œforgery.โ€ He had his publisher include a note that the work was โ€œtrash he was ashamed to have writtenโ€; he also tried to keep it out of later collections of his poems. It is unclear why he felt so embarrassed by the poem. It has remained a staple of Audenโ€™s work as well as an inspiring call to speak out in hope for justice and brotherhood despite times of war or terror.

Summary of How Soon Hath Time By John Milton

Summary of How Soon Hath Time It is, generally, believed that the Sonnet โ€“ โ€œHow Soon Hath Timeโ€ was composed on 9th December, 1631, on the occasion of Poet John Miltonโ€™s twenty third birth anniversary. In this sonnet, John Milton expresses his dissatisfaction that Time is passing very swiftly and he has not been able โ€ฆ Read more

This is a Photograph of Me | Summary and Questions Answers

โ€œThis is a Photograph of Meโ€ is written by a famous Canadian poet and novelist Margaret Atwood (1939- ). Theย  poem is open to many interpretations. The poem begins in a seemingly conventional manner. It describes a photograph which was taken a few years back and evokes a mood of nostalgia but in the middle of the poem there appears parenthesis a remark beginning with the two lines. โ€œThe photograph was taken. The day after I drowned.โ€

The Looking Glass โ€“ Summary and Solved Questions

In โ€œThe Looking Glassโ€ Kamala Das searches for self-identity in the male dominant society where a woman has to give up everything to satisfy the male ego by accepting masculinity as superior to femininity. The poem is an externalisation of her humiliations and frustrations, the woman in the poem is every woman who seeks love, the man, is every man that wants a woman to satisfy his desire.