Which best describes one reason why sympathy is a naturalist poem?

Which best describes one reason why sympathy is a naturalist poem?Category: Poetry QuestionWhich best describes one reason why sympathy is a naturalist poem?
Hareen asked 3 years ago
Which best describes one reason why sympathy is a naturalist poem?
1 Answers
Mir Afzal Staff answered 3 years ago
"It addresses the effects of racism and oppression in society" is the best which describes the reason why "Sympathy" is a naturalist poem. Literary naturalism emphasizes observation and the scientific method in the fictional portrayal of reality. Other characteristics of literary naturalism are: detachment: the author maintains an impersonal tone and disinterested point of view determinism: the opposite of free will, in which a character's fate has been decided, even predetermined, by impersonal forces of nature beyond human control a sense that the universe itself is indifferent to human life