Hassan’s Attendance Problem – Short Summary and Solved Questions

Hassan’s Attendance Problem – Summary and Solved Questions

Dearest readers, in this post, we will be discussing the summary of Hassan’s Attendance Problem by Mrs Sudha Murthy.

The author of the story has been teaching students working for their Master’s degrees in Computer Applications at a college in Bangalore, India, for many years. Although she has dealt with a large number of students, certain pupils stand out in her mind due to the fact that they were distinctive in comparison to the rest. Hassan was a bright young man who was in her first class of the course. He was from a wealthy family and had a good memory, but he was absent from school on a very infrequent basis.

Hassan would show up occasionally, especially during exams or attendance shortage meetings, and beg for attendance in a way that was difficult for the author to refuse. This made it difficult for the author to keep him away. Even though she would get irritated, the author could not stay angry with Hassan for a long period of time, and he consistently managed to achieve a grade in the top class on the exam. The author did ultimately phone Hassan’s parents to convey her concerns about his lack of attendance, but Hassan’s father did not take her seriously, and Hassan’s mother was in tears the entire time she spoke to the author. The meeting came to an end without producing any fruit, and Hassan persisted in his ways until he passed out the course in first class without having completed the required coursework.

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When many years had passed, the author ran into a man who turned out to be Hassan, and he was there to offer her the most recent software for high school teachers. At first, the author was unable to identify him; nevertheless, he was quick to point out who he was and express gratitude to the author for being a kind teacher who had assisted him in attaining better attendance.

Character Sketch of Hassan

Hassan was a student in a college in Bangalore, studying for his Master’s degree in Computer Application. He had a very good memory and was quite tall and attractive. He had erratic attendance at the college. He was always short of attendance.

He did not put much effort into his schoolwork. He made sure to study for several critical questions, and as a result, he came out on top in his class. Despite being cautioned by both his teacher and his parents to maintain punctuality and consistency in his college studies, he did not bother. He had a low impression of the other students in his class who put in a lot of effort.

After graduation, his classmates found satisfying employment. They achieved fame and fortune as a result.

Yet Hassan exhibited his typical slothful behaviour. He found employment at one or more locations. But, due to his chronic tardiness and propensity of slacking off on the job, he was fired from both positions. His father advised him to keep a private life. He eventually found success in the computer software sales industry.

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Q1. A) What was the narrator’s profession?
Ans. The narrator served as a computer science teacher at a college in Bangalore.
b) Why was Hassan not noticed by the teacher in the class?
Ans. Hassan was rarely present in the class, so the teacher didn’t notice him.
c) Why would the narrator render attendance to Hassan every time?
Ans. He would beg to be there in such a way that the narrator couldn’t say no.
d) Why were Hassan’s parents called to school?
Ans. They were called to let them know about Hassan’s irregular attendance and lack of discipline.
e) During which days would Hassan often show up in the class?
Ans. He would often show up when there was a class test or an exam.
f) What was Hassan’s mother’s plea to his father?
Ans. Hassan’s mother told his father that he should talk to him in a firm way.
g) Why did parent-teacher meeting end fruitlessly?
Ans. The parent-teacher meeting ended fruitlessly because they could not decide how to correct Hassan.
h) Describe the physical appearance of Hassan when he met his teacher after several years?
Ans. Hassan was 35 years old, fat, bald, and not well dressed.

i) What had the narrator expected Hassan to become in his life?
Ans. The narrator had hoped that Hassan would do well in life because he was smart in his class.
j) How did Hassan study when he was in his college?
Ans. He didn’t go to college very often, but he was first in his class on the exam. By thinking of some likely questions.
k) According to Hassan, who were nerds?
Ans. According to Hassan, hard workers were nerds.
i) Why did Hassan start living separately?
And. He often quarrelled at home and with
his employers.
m) What made Hassan feel optimistic when he left the narrator’s office?
Ans. He felt hopeful when his teacher told him that he could change his habits and work hard to lead a better life.

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