History of English Note: Check answers at the end.Literature (1625 – 1660): Multiple Choice Questions
Note: Check answers at the end.
1)_______________The span of years covered by the Age of Milton is:
a) 1625-1660
b) 1550- 1630
c) 1600- 1660
2) The Civil -war started in the year ___________ .
a) 1640
b) 1642
c) 1660
3) Which king was executed in the year 1649?
a) Charles I
b) Charles II
c) James I
4) The entire period of Puritan is covered by the dominance of _______war.
a) I World
b) Civil
c) II World
5) Age of Milton saw decline from the__________ standards.
a) Elizabethan
b) Victorian
c) Classical
6) There is a marked decay in ___________writing during this age.
a) Poetry
b) Prose
c) Drama
7) Age of Milton saw remarkable increase in ______________.
a) Poetry
b) Drama
c) Prose
8) All Metaphysical poets were ___________.
a) Didactic
b) Religious
c) Cynical
9) Milton wrote most of his prose during his________years of life.
a) middle
b) early
c) last
10) Milton wrote _________ number of Pamphlets.
a) 22
b) 25
c) 24
11) Milton wrote _______ number of pamphlets on his bitter experience in marriage.
a) 2
b) 1
c) 3
12) Milton’s ______ is based on his plea for the liberty of Press.
a) Of Education
b) Areopagitica
c) Defence of the execution.
13) Milton composed _________ during his stay in Horton.
a) L’Allegro
b) Of Education
c) Paradise Lost
14)__________ is one of the longish poems in octosyllabic couplet of Milton.
a) Il Penseroso
b) Areopagitica
c) Lycidas
15) _________ is a masque containing beautiful blank verses.
a) Paradise Lost
b) Comus
c) On Shakespeare
16) ____________ is one of the best sonnet of Milton.
a) L’Allegro
b) Comus
c) On his Blindness
17) _____________was divided into ten books and then into twelve.
a) Lycidas
b) Samson Agonsites
c) Paradise Lost
18) Lycidas is an elegy on the death of his friend ________.
a) Cromwell I
b) Edward King
c) King Arthur
19) The form of Lycidas is __________ .
a) descriptive
b) pastoral
c) romantic
20) In the year _________ Milton’s eye sight started failing.
a) 1660
b) 1662
c) 1661
21) Milton died in the year __________.
a) 1670
b) 1672
c) 1674
22) Milton was appointed _______ for Foreign Tongues.
a) President
b) Secretary
c) Vice- president
23) Donne’s parents were _____________.
a) Roman Catholic
b) Anglican
c) Protestant
24) Donne’s works were published _____________.
a) after his death
b) during his early years
c) after his marriage 25 Donne had a .
25) Donne had a ______________.
a) arranged marriage
b) runaway marriage
c) church marriage
26) In _____after a severe personal struggle, Donne entered Anglican Church.
a) 1615
b) 1610
c) 1614
27) In 1621 he became _________ of St. Paul’s Anglican Church.
a) President
b) Dean
c) Member
28) ________was the first Anglican Preacher.
a) Donne
b) Herbert
c) Marvell
29) Donne revolted against the conventions of the followers of .
a) Drayton
b) Spenser
c) Chaucer
30) Donne’s greatest religious poem is ____________.
a) The Extasie
b) Holy Sonnets
c) Of the Progress of the Soule
31) ‘A Hymn to GOD THE FATHER’ is Donne’s tribute to his _________
a) mother
b ) father
c) wife
32) Who said this for Donne ‘He affects the metaphysics’ ___________.
a) Jonson
b) Dryden
c) Milton
33) The most distinctive feature of the metaphysical poets is their _______
a) lyric
b) imagery
c) philosophy
34) Donne’s _______ is a satire upon Ignatius Loyala and the Jesuits.
a) Devotions
b) Ignatius His Conclave
c) The Pseudo-Martyr
35) Donne wrote ____ number of sermons.
a) 160
b) 180
c) 165
36) Death’s Duell is one of the best ______ of Donne.
a) Sermon
b) Prose
c) Poem
37)The term ‘metaphysical’ was first used for the poets Cowley and Donne by
a) Pope
b) Dryden
c ) Dr Johnson
38) Metaphysical poetry depends largely on the use of ____________.
a) Recitations
b) Conceits
c) Imagery
39) ______ was known as the saint of the metaphysical school of poets.
a) George Herbert
b) Andrew Marvell
c) Donne
40) George Herbert was appointed fellow and reader in_________.
a) 1629
b) 1620
c) 1630
41) George Herbert’s _______ shows his zeal for the church of England and concern with practical theology.
a) To his Coy Mistress
b) The Collar
c) The Temple
42) Andrew Marvell was a tutor to the daughter of_________ .
a) Lord John
b) Lord Foxfair
c) Lord Fairfox
43) ________ assisted Milton in his duties as secretary for Foreign Tongues.
a) George Herbert
b) Andrew Marvell
c) Donne
44) ________ loved Nature and the freshness of gardens in his work.
a) Milton
b) George Herbert
c) Andrew Marvell
45) To his Coy Mistress is written by ____________.
a) George Herbert
b) Andrew Marvell
c) Donne
46) The theme of the Song: “ Goe and Catche a Falling Stare is___inconstancy.
a) Man’s
b) Woman’s
c) Parents’
47) In the poem________Donne breaks away from the Petrarchan tradition of woman –worship.
a) The Good -Marrow
b) The Sunne Rising
c) Song: Goe and Catche a Falling Starre
48) _______ is a didactic poem of George Herbert.
a) Love (III)
b) Virtue
c) Hunter
49) Which word is repeatedly used in the third stanza in the poem “ Virtue”?
a) Sweet
b) Music
c) Spring
50) In the last lines of the poem Virtue, Herbert metaphorically compares a to the virtuous Soul.
a) Seasonal flower
b) Seasoned timber
c) Seasonal food
51) In the poem To His Coy Mistress, Marvell refers to 2 rivers. Name them.
a) Ganges and Thames
b) Ganges and Humber
c) Ganges and Brooklyn
52) In the first stanza, the speaker tells the mistress that if they had more _____ than her “ coyness” wouldn’t be a crime.
a) Time
b) Money
c) job
53) What does the poet mean by “ Time’s winged Chariot”?
a) Quick passing of time nearing death
b) bird passing in speed
c) Chariot ride
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. A
21. C 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. A
31. B 32. B 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. C
41. C 42. B 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. B
51. B 52. A 53. A