Informal Letter Writing- Types, Parts, Format and Samples of Informal Letters

Table of Contents

Informal Letter Writing

Letters are written for different purposes and to a different audience to communicate with them. In this post we will learn about Informal Letter Writing. We have already discussed about Formal Letter Writing in the previous post.

What are Informal letters?

Letters written to people we know very well like our parents, relatives and intimate friends are called personal (informal) letters.

These letters relate to personal matters between the writer and the addressee. There are four kinds of personal letters. These are:

Domestic letters: These letters are mainly concerned with the exchange of news among friends and relations.

Descriptive letters: These letters describe places, monuments etc., and are addressed to friends and others.

Narrative letters: These letters deal with the narration of events.

Invitation letters: These letters deal with invitations to friends and relatives to attend a marriage or a similar ceremony.

In personal letters, there should be a personal touch in it. The person written to should feel that you are at home with him. While writing a letter the following points should be kept in mind:

  • The age, the taste, the status and temperament of the person to whom your letters are addressed. The manner of writing differs with different persons. Letters dealing with personal affairs are best drafted in simple, familiar words. They must have an intimate touch with them.
  • Divide the body of the letter into paragraphs.
  • Do not use long sentences. Be clear and to the point.
  • Write legibly and punctuate properly.

Parts of an Informal Letter

My dear Father,
Dear Shakir,

The form of salutation depends upon the degree of intimacy and relationship between the sender and the person addressed.

i. If the letter is addressed to a relative older than the writer. The Salutation and Subscription should be used as:

Salutation ======== Subscription
My dear Father,==== Yours affectionately,
My dear Mother,=== Affectionately yours,
My dear Sister, === Lovingly yours,
My dear Uncle,

ii. For relatives younger than the writer, use salutation and subscription as shown below:

Salutation ======== Subscription
Dear Irshad,=== Affectionately yours,
Dearest Rohi, === Yours affectionately,

Look at the table below showing the various Relationships and Salutations and Subscriptions commonly used with them:

Informal Letter Writing- Types, Parts, Format and Samples of Informal Letters 2

Tip: You can use the Salutation as โ€œHi Jozy, โ€ if the person you are addressing is your very close friend. Intimate friends now prefer to use this kind of informal language.

3. The Body or The Message

This is the most important part of the letter. It contains the message that you want to convey to the addressee. The Body usually contains three paragraphs. The first para introduces the topic, the second gives a factual description of the details and the third ask for action. If the letter is personal, there should be a personal touch in it. Letters dealing with personal affairs are best drafted in simple and familiar words.

4. The Subscription
The Subscription is used to end the letter. The Subscription always corresponds to the Salutation. The usual forms of Subscription have been already given on the foregoing table.

5. The Signature
The Signature or the name of the writer must be written below the Subscription as:

Yours affectionately,
Haider Ali.

Important points for writing personal letters

  • Informal language is used i.e, the readers almost feel that the writer is talking to his audience.

* The address and date are written at the top, left or right-hand corner.

* It is a general convention to divide your letter into three paragraphs. The possible dramatic starting expressions are:-

โ€ข I hope youโ€™re wellโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

โ€ข Been out of touch for a long time Howโ€˜re you?โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

โ€ข Sorry for not writing to you since longโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

  • It is important that the details are sequenced in a logical order.

* Exclamations, colloquial expressions such as ( Oops, Wow, Sorry ) and contracted forms are used.

* Sentences are generally short and simple.

* The following expressions can be used for signing off an informal letter:-

To close friends:-

โ€ข Lots of love

โ€ข Love from

โ€ข Love!

โ€ข See you!

To Less Close Friends:-

โ€ข Yours

โ€ข Best Wishes,

โ€ข Kind regards

Following informal expressions can be used for inviting:-

โ€ข How about โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.?

โ€ข Let us all โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ?

โ€ข Why donโ€™t we โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ?

* You may be slightly less informal if you arenโ€˜t accepting an invitation.

* When you give a piece of bad news, it is useful to start on a pleasant note.

* The subscription should correspond to the Salutation as described above.

Important Questions Answered


Question 1.

What is the basic difference between formal and informal letters?

Formal and informal letters differ primarily in their tone and purpose. The key distinction lies in the tone of the letter, where formal letters maintain a concise, professional tone, while informal letters adopt a more personal, emotional, and non-professional tone. This variation in tone is mainly because formal letters are typically written for official or business purposes, while informal letters are intended for communications within family or amongst friends. It is essential to recognize and adhere to these distinctions to ensure effective communication in various contexts.

Question 2.

Should we mention the subject in an informal letter?

According to the guidelines provided, there is no necessity to mention the subject in an informal letter.

Question 3.

What are the steps to write an informal letter?

To write an informal letter, follow these step-by-step guidelines:

  1. Begin by carefully reading and understanding the question or prompt. Pay attention to any specific instructions or requirements provided.
  2. Identify the key points or information that need to be included in your response. Consider the purpose and tone of the letter, as well as the audience you are addressing.

  3. Before starting the actual letter, it can be helpful to jot down your main ideas or outline them in a rough format. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you cover all the necessary points.

  4. Keep in mind any word limit that may be specified for the letter. In informal writing, it is important to be concise and to the point. If there is no specific word limit, try to keep it within a reasonable length.

  5. Follow the typical format of an informal letter, which includes the following elements: a) Date: Begin by writing the date on the right or left-hand side of the page, typically a line or two below your address. b) Salutation: Start the letter with a casual or friendly greeting, such as โ€œDear [Friendโ€™s Name],โ€ or simply โ€œHi [Friendโ€™s Name],โ€. c) Introduction: In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself and state the purpose or reason for writing the letter. You can also include any relevant personal or shared experiences that will make the letter more engaging. d) Body paragraphs: Use the next paragraphs to elaborate on the main points or information you want to convey. This can include sharing stories, giving updates, asking questions, or offering advice or suggestions. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea and be connected to the overall theme of the letter. e) Closing: End the letter with a warm closing, such as โ€œBest regards,โ€ or โ€œTake care,โ€ followed by your name. f) Optional elements: You can add additional elements depending on the situation, such as postscripts (P.S.) to include an afterthought or farewell messages.

By following these steps and incorporating the suggested elements, you will be well-equipped to write an effective and engaging informal letter.

Question 4.

What can be the purpose of writing an informal letter?

The purpose of writing an informal letter can vary, but one common objective is to express and convey personal emotions and sentiments. Informal letters provide a platform to share our thoughts, experiences, and feelings with the recipient. They can serve as a means of connecting with loved ones or friends, whether to share good news, express gratitude, provide encouragement, or simply maintain a personal connection. Additionally, informal letters can be used to seek advice, offer support, or share personal stories and experiences. Overall, the primary intention behind writing an informal letter is to establish a more casual and personal form of communication that allows for genuine expression of emotions and fosters a deeper connection between the writer and the recipient.

Question 5.

What are some examples of informal letter questions from previous years?

Previous yearsโ€™ question papers have included a variety of informal letter questions to assess studentsโ€™ understanding and application of this form of writing. Here are some examples of informal letter questions that have appeared in previous years:

  1. Write a letter to your friend inviting them to your birthday party. Include the date, time, venue, and any other relevant details.
  2. Imagine you went on a trip and had a memorable experience. Write a letter to a family member or friend describing the trip and sharing your excitement.

  3. Your neighbor recently moved away, and you miss them a lot. Write a letter conveying your feelings and expressing your desire to keep in touch.

  4. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your concern about the rising pollution levels in your city. Suggest some practical solutions that can be implemented to combat this issue.

  5. Your school is organizing a talent show, and you want to participate. Write a letter to the event coordinator explaining your talents and why you should be given the opportunity to perform.

  6. Your best friend is going through a challenging time, and you want to provide them with some emotional support. Write a heartfelt letter offering words of encouragement and letting them know that you are there for them.

  7. Write a letter to the principal of your school suggesting some improvements that can be made to the school cafeteriaโ€™s menu. Provide specific suggestions for healthier and more diverse food options.

These are just a few examples of the types of informal letter questions that have been asked in previous years. They cover a range of topics and require students to showcase their creativity, communication skills, and ability to express their thoughts and emotions effectively through letter writing.

Question 6.

What is the difference between a formal letter and an informal letter?

A formal letter is typically written for business or professional purposes, with a specific objective in mind. It follows a more structured format and uses simple and clear language that is easy to understand. These letters are usually concise and to the point, excluding any irrelevant information. The tone of a formal letter is generally professional and respectful.

On the other hand, an informal letter is more casual and is written to friends, relatives, or acquaintances for personal communication. It allows for a more relaxed and conversational tone, often including emotions and personal anecdotes. Unlike formal letters, informal letters can be longer in length and may contain more personal information.

The purpose of a formal letter is mainly to communicate with business contacts such as partners, suppliers, customers, clients, employers, or professionals. It is used in professional settings, including writing to colleges or institutes for inquiries or applications. Informal letters, however, are typically sent to maintain personal relationships, share news and updates, or simply to chat with friends and family.

In summary, the key differences between a formal letter and an informal letter lie in their purpose, style, tone, length, and intended recipients. Formal letters are concise, professional, and directed towards business contacts or institutions, while informal letters are longer, more personal, and typically sent to friends, relatives, or acquaintances.

Question 7.

What are some common topics for informal letters?

Common topics for informal letters include:

  1. Inviting a friend: Informal letters can be used to invite friends to events such as parties, gatherings, or celebrations. This could include birthday parties, casual get-togethers, or special occasions.
  2. Giving advice to a friend: Informal letters are a great way to provide advice or suggestions to friends who may be seeking help or guidance. It could be advice on personal matters, relationships, career choices, or any other topic where your opinion and support are valued.

  3. Apologizing to a friend: If youโ€™ve made a mistake or hurt a friendโ€™s feelings, an informal letter is an appropriate way to apologize. It allows you to express remorse, explain your actions, and make amends in a more personal and heartfelt manner.

  4. Expressing gratitude for spending time together: Informal letters provide a wonderful opportunity to sincerely thank a friend for a memorable experience, a fun outing, or simply for being there during a special occasion or holiday.

  5. Sending reminders to a friend: Informal letters can be used to gently remind a friend about important dates, events, appointments, or tasks they may have forgotten. This helps maintain open communication and ensures no important matters are overlooked.

  6. Congratulating a friend: Informal letters are perfect for expressing congratulations to a friend who has achieved something significant, such as graduating, getting a promotion, winning an award, or any other accomplishment worth celebrating.

  7. Requesting help from a friend: Informal letters can be used to reach out to a friend and ask for assistance or support. This could involve asking for advice, seeking a favor, or requesting assistance with a particular task or project.

  8. Acknowledging mistakes and seeking forgiveness: Informal letters allow us to admit our mistakes and seek forgiveness from friends we may have wronged. They provide an opportunity to reflect, express genuine remorse, and demonstrate a willingness to make amends.

Question 8.

What is the marking scheme for informal letter questions?

The marking scheme for informal letter questions encompasses various aspects that are evaluated. In terms of format, the following elements are considered: the inclusion of the senderโ€™s address, the date, the receiverโ€™s address, the subject or heading, the salutation, and the complimentary close. This section of the marking scheme carries a weight of 1 mark.

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The content of the letter is another critical aspect taken into account, carrying a weight of 3 marks. Here, the examiner evaluates the substance and relevance of the ideas expressed in the letter.

Expression plays a significant role in the marking scheme as well, with a weight of 2 marks. Under this criterion, grammatical accuracy, appropriate word usage, and correct spelling are assessed. Moreover, the coherence and relevance of ideas and the style in which the letter is written are evaluated.

Considering these criteria, a maximum of 6 marks can be awarded for an informal letter question, broken down as follows: 1 mark for format, 3 marks for content, and 2 marks for expression.

Question 9.

How do you sign off an informal letter?

When signing off an informal letter, there is no one specific way to do it. Informal letters typically do not follow strict formatting rules, so you have the freedom to choose a sign-off that best suits the occasion and your relationship with the recipient. There are several commonly used phrases that you can consider, such as โ€œLots of Love,โ€ โ€œBest,โ€ โ€œBest Wishes,โ€ โ€œKind Regards,โ€ or โ€œKindly.โ€ The key is to select a sign-off that reflects your personal style and the tone of your letter. After choosing the appropriate phrase, simply sign your name below the greeting to complete the sign-off. Remember, the sign-off is a way to convey your warm regards and connection to the recipient, so choose one that feels most natural to you.

Question 10.

What is the format for an informal letter?

The format for an informal letter typically follows these guidelines:

  1. Begin by writing your own address (the senderโ€™s address) on the left-hand side of the page at the top. Make sure the address is accurate and complete.
  2. Include the date just below your address. Writing the date allows the recipient to have a reference point for when the informal letter was written, enhancing their understanding of the contents.

  3. Use an informal greeting based on the relationship with the recipient. For close friends or someone close in age, addressing them by their first name, like โ€œDear Alex,โ€ would be appropriate. When writing to relatives like your mother, father, aunt, uncle, etc., you can address them with a familial title, such as โ€œDear Mom.โ€ However, if you are writing to an elder or someone you respect greatly, you should address them using their formal title, such as Mr. or Mrs. For example, if you were writing a congratulatory letter to your teacher, you could address it as โ€œDear Mrs. Alex.โ€

  4. Begin the letter with an introductory paragraph that sets a casual and comforting tone. You may start by asking about the recipientโ€™s well-being or expressing your hope that the letter finds them in good health and high spirits. This opening should not be too formal or direct, unlike business letters.

  5. Maintain a friendly tone throughout the letter, adapting the language and wording according to your relationship with the recipient. With friends, you can be very casual and even playful. However, when writing to an elder or respected family member, it is crucial to be extremely respectful and considerate.

  6. In the concluding paragraph, briefly summarize the reason for writing the letter and bid a meaningful and affectionate farewell to the reader. Donโ€™t forget to invite the recipient to write back or reply to your letter, showing your intention to continue the conversation.

  7. When signing off an informal letter, there is no strict rule to follow. You can choose a closing phrase that corresponds with the occasion and your relationship with the recipient. Commonly used expressions include โ€œLots of Love,โ€ โ€œBest,โ€ โ€œBest Wishes,โ€ โ€œKind Regards,โ€ โ€œKindly,โ€ etc. Simply sign your name below the greeting to complete the letter.


Question 1.

What are the different types of informal letters?


What are the different types of informal replies?

The different types of informal replies are:

What are the different types of informal invitations?

The different types of informal invitations are:

What are the different types of informal letters to friends?

The different types of informal letters to friends are:

What are the different types of informal letters for informing about holiday trips?

The different types of informal letters for informing about holiday trips are:

What are the different types of informal letters for well-being?

The different types of informal letters for well-being are:

What are the different types of informal letters for advice?

The different types of informal letters for advice are:

What are the different types of informal letters to relatives, parents, children, or siblings?

The different types of informal letters to relatives, parents, children, or siblings are:

Full Answer Combined

Letters written to people we know very well, such as our parents, relatives, and intimate friends, are known as personal (informal) letters. These letters involve personal matters between the writer and the recipient. Within the realm of personal letters, there exist four distinct types that cater to various purposes and contexts.

Firstly, we have domestic letters, which primarily revolve around the exchange of news and updates among friends and family members. These letters serve as a means to stay connected and share the latest happenings in our lives.

Secondly, we encounter descriptive letters, which aim to provide vivid descriptions of places, monuments, or any other intriguing subjects. These letters are often addressed to friends and acquaintances, as we seek to share our experiences and paint a vibrant picture through words.

Moving forward, we come across narrative letters that center around the narration of events. These letters allow us to recount interesting stories, anecdotes, or personal experiences, creating a sense of connection and engagement with the reader.

Lastly, we encounter invitation letters, which are specifically crafted to extend invitations to our friends and relatives for momentous occasions such as weddings or similar ceremonies. These letters serve as a formal gesture, inviting our loved ones to come together and celebrate joyous events in our lives.

In essence, while Your article provides a concise categorization of personal (informal) letters into four types, it is important to acknowledge that there are additional types of informal letters that exist. These include letters to close family members, seeking advice, conveying well-being, informing about holiday trips, writing to friends, extending informal invitations, and responding to informal correspondence. By considering these diverse types of informal letters, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of the various ways in which we can express ourselves through personal correspondence.

Question 2.

To whom can one write an informal letter?


Are there any other categories of individuals to whom one can write an informal letter?

The passage does not specifically mention any other categories of individuals to whom one can write an informal letter. However, it is implied that informal letters can be sent to individuals with whom the sender has a close and personal relationship, beyond just family members and friends.

Can informal letters be written to friends?

Yes, informal letters can be written to friends. In fact, the passage mentions that intimate friends now prefer to use informal language in their letters.

Are there any specific guidelines or considerations for addressing family members in an informal letter?

When addressing family members in an informal letter, it is important to consider their age and use appropriate salutations and subscriptions accordingly. For older relatives, a different salutation and subscription should be used compared to younger relatives.

Who are considered โ€œpeople close to usโ€ when writing an informal letter?

People close to us refer to individuals with whom we have a personal relationship, including our immediate family members, extended relatives, and close friends.

To whom can one write an informal letter?

An informal letter can be written to people close to us, such as our family members and friends.

Full Answer Combined

According to Your article, an informal letter can be written to various individuals depending on the degree of intimacy and relationship between the sender and the person addressed. The passage provides specific guidance on how to address different relatives based on their age. For older relatives, it suggests using appropriate salutations and subscriptions, while younger relatives may warrant a different approach. Additionally, the passage acknowledges that close friends often prefer a more informal language style in their letters.

In terms of answering the question โ€œTo whom can one write an informal letter?โ€, Your article delves into the nuances of addressing different individuals, considering factors such as age and intimacy. By providing specific instructions on salutations and subscriptions for relatives, it offers practical guidance for navigating informal correspondence. Furthermore, the passage recognizes the evolving nature of close friendships, highlighting the preference for informality in language usage.

Thus, Your article not only expands on the answer to the question but also provides a comprehensive understanding of the various individuals to whom one can write an informal letter. Its detailed approach ensures that readers are equipped with the necessary knowledge to navigate the intricacies of informal correspondence with different recipients.

Question 3.

What are some tips for writing an informal letter?


How should the letter be signed off in an informal letter?

There is no strict format for signing off informal letters. Some commonly used phrases are โ€˜Lots of Loveโ€™, โ€˜Bestโ€™, โ€˜Best Wishesโ€™, โ€˜Kind Regardsโ€™, โ€˜Kindlyโ€™. You can pick the one that best suits the occasion and then simply sign your name below the greeting.

How should the conclusion of an informal letter be approached?

In the conclusive paragraph, you should sum up the reason for writing the letter and say a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader. Additionally, donโ€™t forget to invite the reader to write back or reply to your letter to show an intention to keep the conversation going.

How should the language and wordings be adjusted based on the recipient of an informal letter?

With friends, you can afford to be very casual and flippant. However, when writing to elder relatives, you must be extremely respectful and considerate.

How should the opening paragraph of an informal letter be written?

The opening paragraph should set the tone for the whole letter. You might begin by asking the recipient about their well-being or expressing hopes for their good health and great spirits.

How should the greeting be approached in an informal letter?

If the recipient is a friend or someone close in age, you can greet them by their first name, like โ€˜Dear Alexโ€™.

Where should the date be placed in an informal letter?

The date should be written just below the address.

How should the address be written in an informal letter?

The address should be accurate and complete. It should be written on the left-hand side of the page at the very top.

Full Answer Combined

According to Your article, here are some tips for writing an informal letter. Informal language should be used to create a conversational tone, making the readers feel like they are part of the conversation. When writing an informal letter, it is customary to include the address and date at the top, either on the left or right-hand corner. Dividing the letter into three paragraphs is a common convention to ensure clarity and organization.

To maintain an informal tone, feel free to use exclamations, colloquial expressions like โ€œOopsโ€ or โ€œWow,โ€ and contracted forms. Keep your sentences short and simple to make the letter easy to read and understand. However, if you are declining an invitation, it is advisable to be slightly less informal to convey your message respectfully.

When delivering bad news, it can be helpful to start on a pleasant note to soften the impact. Remember to match the subscription with the salutation used earlier in the letter.

Although Your article provides some valuable tips, Their article offers a more comprehensive guide. In addition to the points mentioned above, Their article highlights the importance of accurately and completely writing the senderโ€™s address. It also suggests including the date in expanded form to provide a reference for the reader. Furthermore, Their article advises adjusting the language and wordings based on the recipientโ€™s relationship, such as being more casual and flippant with friends and more respectful with elder relatives.

To conclude an informal letter, Their article suggests summarizing the reason for writing and bidding the reader a meaningful and affectionate goodbye. It also emphasizes the significance of inviting the reader to reply, indicating a desire to continue the conversation. As for signing off, Their article acknowledges that there is no strict format and provides commonly used phrases such as โ€œLots of Love,โ€ โ€œBest,โ€ โ€œBest Wishes,โ€ โ€œKind Regards,โ€ or โ€œKindly.โ€

By incorporating the thoroughness of Their article into the existing content of Your article, we can provide a more comprehensive guide to writing an informal letter while maintaining the original voice and tone.<

Question 4.

How should an informal letter be concluded?


Does Excerpt_Theirs provide any guidance on how to bid a meaningful goodbye?

Yes, Excerpt_Theirs advises bidding a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader, expressing care and consideration towards them.

Does Excerpt_Theirs provide any guidance on how to structure the conclusion?

Yes, Excerpt_Theirs suggests including a conclusive paragraph to summarize the letterโ€™s content.

Should the writer invite the reader to respond or continue the conversation?

Yes, the writer should invite the reader to write back or reply to the letter, showing an intention to keep the conversation going.

How should the writer bid a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader?

The writer should bid a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader, expressing care and consideration towards them.

How should the conclusion of an informal letter be structured?

The conclusion of an informal letter should include a conclusive paragraph that summarizes the letterโ€™s content.

Full Answer Combined

In concluding an informal letter, it is important to pay attention to the details. The Subscription, which is used to end the letter, should always correspond to the Salutation. As mentioned before, the usual forms of Subscription have been provided in the previous table. Following the Subscription, it is crucial to include the Signature or the name of the writer below. This adds a personal touch and gives the letter a sense of authenticity.

While the Subscription and Signature are essential components of the letterโ€™s conclusion, it is also valuable to consider additional elements to make the closing more meaningful. In the conclusive paragraph, it is beneficial to summarize the purpose of the letter, ensuring that the recipient fully understands the main points or message being conveyed. This summarization provides closure and clarity, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Furthermore, expressing an affectionate goodbye to the reader adds warmth and sincerity to the conclusion. By bidding farewell in a meaningful way, the writer demonstrates their genuine care and consideration for the recipient. This simple act of kindness can leave a lasting impact and strengthen the bond between the writer and the reader.

Lastly, it is important to invite the reader to write back or reply to the letter. This invitation shows the writerโ€™s intention to keep the conversation going and to maintain a connection with the recipient. It encourages ongoing communication and sets the stage for future correspondence.

In conclusion, while the Subscription and Signature play a crucial role in concluding an informal letter, it is equally important to consider additional elements to make the closing more thorough and meaningful. Summarizing the letter, bidding an affectionate goodbye, and inviting the reader to respond are all valuable components that contribute to a well-rounded and thoughtful conclusion.

Question 5.

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What should be included in the body of an informal letter?


How should letters dealing with personal affairs be drafted?

Letters dealing with personal affairs are best drafted using simple and familiar words. It is important to include a personal touch in such letters to add warmth and authenticity. By choosing words that are easily understood and relatable, one can effectively communicate personal matters in a clear and engaging manner.

What are the key elements of the body of an informal letter?

The body of an informal letter typically includes three paragraphs. The first paragraph introduces the topic, the second provides a factual description of the details, and the third paragraph asks for action. If the letter is personal, it is suggested to incorporate a personal touch, using simple and familiar words to express oneself.

How can one determine the tonality of the letter?

To determine the tonality of the letter, one can recall how they talk to the person in a conversation. By reflecting on the tone and sentiments used in personal interactions, one can apply the same syntax and sentiments to the letter. This ensures that the overall tone of the letter remains friendly and aligned with the relationship one has with the recipient.

How should the language and wordings be adjusted based on the recipient?

The language and wordings should be adjusted according to the recipient. For example, when writing to a friend, one can afford to be very casual and flippant. However, when writing to an elder relative, it is important to be extremely respectful and considerate. Adapting the language and word choices to suit the recipientโ€™s relationship helps maintain appropriate communication.

How should the tone of the letter be determined?

The tone of the letter should be determined by considering how one would speak to the person in a conversation. By remembering the tone and sentiments used in conversations with the recipient, one can apply the same syntax and sentiments to the letter.

Full Answer Combined

According to Passage_1, the body of an informal letter should include the following elements:

โ€œThis is the most important part of the letter. It contains the message that you want to convey to the addressee. The Body usually contains three paragraphs. The first para introduces the topic, the second gives a factual description of the details and the third ask for action. If the letter is personal, there should be a personal touch in it. Letters dealing with personal affairs are best drafted in simple and familiar words.โ€

In addition to these elements, it is important to consider the tone and language used in the letter. While the content remains the same, the way it is presented can vary based on the relationship with the recipient. Their article suggests that maintaining a friendly tone is crucial, but it should be adjusted according to whom you are writing to.

For instance, when writing to a friend, you can afford to be casual and flippant, using language that reflects a close relationship. On the other hand, when addressing an elder relative, it is essential to be extremely respectful and considerate, using formal language and showing deference.

By considering the recipient and adapting the language and wordings accordingly, the letter can have a more personalized and engaging tone. This approach allows for a better connection with the recipient and enhances the overall effectiveness of the message being conveyed.

So, while the body of an informal letter should include the introduction of the topic, factual details, and a call to action, it is equally important to pay attention to the tone and language used, ensuring that it aligns with the relationship with the recipient. This consideration will result in a more tailored and impactful letter that resonates with the intended audience.<

Question 6.

How should the introductory paragraph of an informal letter be written?


What is the purpose of the introductory paragraph in informal letters?

The purpose of the introductory paragraph in informal letters is to set the tone for the entire letter. It should establish a warm and friendly atmosphere, making the recipient feel comfortable and engaged from the very beginning.

What should the opening of informal letters not be like?

The opening of informal letters should not be formal and direct, as in business letters. It should not create a sense of distance or formality. Instead, it should aim for a more relaxed and personal tone.

What should be avoided in the introductory paragraph?

In the introductory paragraph of an informal letter, it is important to avoid a formal and direct tone commonly used in business letters. Instead, the focus should be on maintaining a casual and comforting tone throughout.

What are some possible ways to start the introductory paragraph?

Some possible ways to start the introductory paragraph include asking about the recipientโ€™s well-being or expressing the hope that the letter finds them in good health and great spirits. These opening lines establish a friendly and caring tone.

What should be the tone of the introductory paragraph?

The tone of the introductory paragraph in an informal letter should be casual and comforting. It should create a friendly and warm atmosphere.

Full Answer Combined

When it comes to writing an informal letter, the introductory paragraph plays a crucial role in setting the tone and establishing a warm connection with the recipient. It is important to consider the level of intimacy and relationship shared with the person addressed. If the letter is intended for a relative who is older than the writer, it is appropriate to use a salutation and subscription that reflects this bond, such as โ€œMy dear Fatherโ€ followed by โ€œYours affectionately.โ€ On the other hand, when addressing younger relatives, a more familiar tone can be employed, using phrases like โ€œDear Irshadโ€ and concluding with โ€œAffectionately yours.โ€ In the case of very close friends, a casual salutation like โ€œHi Jozyโ€ may be preferred, as it reflects the level of informality and intimacy in the relationship. It is worth noting that the current trend among intimate friends is to embrace this informal language in their correspondence. By carefully considering the form of salutation and subscription, we can establish a comfortable and personal connection with our recipients, ensuring that our informal letters convey the warmth and closeness we intend.

Question 7.

How should the greeting be written in an informal letter?


How should the greeting be written when addressing a friend who prefers informal language?

If you have a friend who prefers informal language, you can adapt your greeting to match their preference. For example, you can greet them with a casual โ€œHey [Friendโ€™s Name]โ€ or any other informal greeting that you both feel comfortable with.

How should the greeting be written when addressing a friend who is also an intimate friend?

When addressing a friend who is also an intimate friend, you can opt for a more casual and informal greeting. For instance, you can use a simple โ€œHi [Friendโ€™s Name]โ€ as the greeting to show the closeness of your relationship.

How should the greeting be written when addressing an elder person or someone greatly respected?

When addressing an elder person or someone you respect greatly, it is appropriate to use a more formal approach. You can address them as Mr. or Mrs., followed by their last name. For example, if you were writing a congratulatory letter to your teacher, you can address it as โ€œDear Mrs. Alex.โ€

How should the greeting be written when addressing relatives?

When addressing relatives, you can use familial terms to greet them. For instance, you may write โ€œDear Momโ€ when writing to your mother, โ€œDear Dadโ€ when addressing your father, or โ€œDear Aunt/Uncle [Name]โ€ when writing to your aunt or uncle.

How should the greeting be written when addressing friends or individuals close in age?

When addressing friends or individuals close in age, you can use their first name as the greeting. For example, you can write โ€œDear Alexโ€ to greet your friend or someone of similar age.

Full Answer Combined

In informal letter writing, the greeting should reflect the level of familiarity and relationship between the sender and the recipient. The provided passage, Your article, offers a concise explanation on how to address individuals based on the nature of the relationship. It states that when writing to a relative older than the writer, the salutation should be โ€œMy dear Fatherโ€ and the subscription should be โ€œYours affectionately.โ€ This demonstrates a warm and affectionate tone when addressing family members.

Similarly, for relatives younger than the writer, the salutation should be โ€œDear Irshadโ€ and the subscription should be โ€œAffectionately yours.โ€ This acknowledgment of a more informal relationship allows for a friendly and casual tone in the letter. It recognizes the importance of maintaining a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere when communicating with younger family members.

Moreover, Your article mentions that in the case of addressing a close friend, it is acceptable to use the salutation โ€œHi Jozy.โ€ This informal and familiar greeting showcases the level of intimacy and closeness shared between friends. It acknowledges the evolving language norms and preferences for a more relaxed and informal style of communication among close acquaintances.

While Your article provides a straightforward explanation, it is essential to consider the additional details shared in Their article. This excerpt delves deeper into the topic, encompassing various scenarios and relationships. It suggests that when writing to friends or individuals close in age, it is appropriate to use their first name as the greeting, such as โ€œDear Alex.โ€ This personalized approach fosters a sense of camaraderie and informality.

Similarly, when writing to elder individuals deserving respect, such as a teacher, Their article advises using the salutation โ€œDear Mrs. Alexโ€ to demonstrate reverence and formality. This recognition of the importance of showing respect to figures of authority or seniority exhibits thoughtfulness and consideration in the letter.

In conclusion, while Your article provides a concise explanation of the informal greetings in different relationships, incorporating the thoroughness and specific examples from Their article enhances our understanding of how to appropriately address individuals in informal letters. By considering the level of familiarity, age, and respect, we can successfully tailor our greetings to reflect the nature of our relationships with the recipients.<

Question 8.

What should be included in the address section of an informal letter?


What should be done if the recipient of the letter is in another country?

When writing to someone in another country, it is important to also write your own country in the address.

Why is it important to include the address in the letter?

Including the address allows the recipient to easily reply back to the letter.

Where should the address be written in an informal letter?

The address should be written on the left-hand side of the page at the very top.

What should be included in the address section of an informal letter?

The address of the writer (senderโ€™s address) should be included.

Full Answer Combined

According to Passage_1, the address section of an informal letter should include the following: โ€œThe address and date are written at the top, left or right-hand corner.โ€ However, it is important to note that Their article provides a more detailed explanation of how to properly include the senderโ€™s address in an informal letter. In Their article, it is emphasized that the address should be accurate and complete, even when writing to close friends or relatives. This ensures that the recipient can easily reply back to the letter. Additionally, it is mentioned that the address should be written on the left-hand side of the page at the very top. Their article also highlights the significance of including the senderโ€™s country in the address if the recipient is in another country. Therefore, while both passages touch on the importance of the address section, Their article offers a more thorough explanation of what should be included in this section of an informal letter.<

Question 9.

How do you write an informal letter?


How should the conclusive paragraph of an informal letter be structured?

The conclusive paragraph of an informal letter should summarize the reason for writing the letter. It is a good idea to express a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader. Additionally, donโ€™t forget to invite the reader to write back or reply to your letter, as it shows your intention to keep the conversation going.

How can the tonality of the letter be determined?

To determine the tonality of your letter, think about how you would talk to the person in a conversation. Try to apply the same syntax and sentiments to the letter. By doing so, you can ensure that the tone of the letter matches your relationship with the recipient.

How should the language and wordings be adjusted based on the recipient?

When writing an informal letter, it is important to adjust the language and wordings based on the recipient. If you are writing to a friend, you can be very casual and even flippant in your tone. However, if you are writing to an elder relative, it is crucial to be extremely respectful and considerate in your choice of words.

How should the introductory paragraph of an informal letter be?

The introductory paragraph of an informal letter should set the tone for the whole letter. You can begin by asking the recipient about their well-being or expressing hopes for their good health and great spirits. The opening should be casual and comforting, avoiding formal and direct language used in business letters.

Full Answer Combined

Writing an informal letter requires using language that makes the reader feel as though the writer is engaged in a conversation with them. To begin, it is customary to include the address and date at the top left or right-hand corner. Dividing the letter into three paragraphs helps maintain a clear structure. When starting the letter, one can use expressions like โ€œI hope youโ€™re wellโ€ฆโ€ or โ€œBeen out of touch for a long time, howโ€™re you?โ€ to create a friendly and warm tone. Itโ€™s important to sequence the details in a logical order, making it easy for the reader to follow along.

In informal letters, it is perfectly acceptable to use exclamations and colloquial expressions such as โ€œOops,โ€ โ€œWow,โ€ or โ€œSorry.โ€ Additionally, contracted forms can be used to keep the language casual and conversational. Sentences should generally be kept short and simple, allowing for easy comprehension. When signing off, expressions like โ€œLots of love,โ€ โ€œLove from,โ€ or โ€œLove!โ€ can be used for close friends, while โ€œYours,โ€ โ€œBest Wishes,โ€ or โ€œKind regardsโ€ are suitable for a more formal but still friendly tone.

If the letter contains any unpleasant news, it can be helpful to start with a pleasant note before gently delivering the news. Lastly, it is important for the subscription at the end of the letter to correspond to the salutation. This ensures consistency and adds a finishing touch to the overall tone of the letter.

While Your article provides valuable insights on writing an informal letter, it is worth considering additional advice to enhance the thoroughness of your writing. This includes paying attention to the tone and sequencing of details, using appropriate expressions and sentence structure, and ensuring the closing matches the overall tone of the letter. By incorporating these suggestions, you can create a more engaging and effective informal letter.


โžก Your younger brother has become a book worm. Write a letter to him advising him to take part in games and other school activities.

Examination Hall
Centre No- 166
28th April-2020

Dear Aabid,

I hope youโ€™re well along with your parents. It is pleasing that youโ€™re working hard towards your studies to register a brilliant performance. Itโ€™s really the need of the hour. We are in an extremely competitive world and can keep pace with others only if we work very hard. But, at the same time, it is a matter of great concern that you donโ€˜t take part in games and sports.

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โ€œAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyโ€, is a well known saying. Pay attention to your health. Donโ€˜t be a bookworm. Spare some time for games and sports which will give you some exercise and help you improve your health. Games and sports will enable you to refresh your mind and body. You will, thus, be able to study better and with more concentration. So, it will not be a waste of time as you may be thinking.

Hope you will pay heed to my advice and start taking an active part in games right from today.

Yours affectionately,
Reyaz Ahmad.

โžกWrite a letter of sympathy to your friend on his failure in the annual examination.

Examination Hall
Centre No- 165
29 April-20โ€ฆ

Dear Friend,

It really shocked me when I couldnโ€™t find your name in the list of successful candidates of class 10th I repeatedly went through the list but to no purpose.

You are not to blame. You were confined to bed for two long months before examinations. I remember how diligently you worked soon after recovering from your illness. You burnt the midnight oil to compensate. Your failure has, therefore, pained me much. I really sympathize with you in your sorrow. โ€œWhat canโ€™t be cured must be enduredโ€.

Donโ€™t lose your heart. Forget not that examinations are no surest test of oneโ€™s ability! Start your studies right away with redoubled energy and I am sure that you will come out with flying colours in the next examination. Remember that failures are stepping stones to success! I hope this failure will prove you a blessing in disguise.

Wishing you all success in the coming examinations.

Yours affectionately,
Brother Ishfaq.

โžก Write a letter to your father asking him to send you money for the purchase of new books and stationery.

Examination Hall
Centre No. 116
30th April-20โ€ฆ

My dear Papa,

I am fine and hope you will be also fine. Congrats to you for my brilliant success in my annual examination. Thanks to Allah the Almighty, my dream has come true. All the teachers speak highly of me. My classmates hold me in high esteem. My joy knows no bounds. I never expected to be at the serial no.1 of the toppers. It is all by the grace of Allah and your prayers though my hard work also played its part.

As I am to join a higher class now, I shall be needing around Rs 5000/= to buy books and stationery for the new class. The new academic session is to start soon and I would like to have the prerequisite bought in time.

Please send me the amount as early as possible so that I could be able to join the new class without any delay.

Lots of Love,

Your loving son,

โžก Write a letter to your friend inviting him to a marriage party at your home.

Examination Hall
Centre No- A-217
1st. May-20โ€ฆ

Dear Ahmad,

We are celebrating the auspicious occasion of the union of two souls virtually established in heaven. You know, my elder brother, Abdullah, is going to be married on 25 of August 2009. Though we have decided to forgo all sorts of unnecessary and ostentatious rituals, we are, however, bound to arrange for โ€œWalleemaโ€. In this regard, I would be expecting your helping hand, in time. I thus, invite you to come to the venue some days before and invite your household, on my behalf, to be present on the scheduled dates.

Hope that you and your household will grace the party by your presence and allow a chance for a get-together after a long lapse of months, to sprout. I shall be waiting for you impatiently.

Regards to your parents and siblings.

Cordially yours,

โžก Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examinations.

Examination Hall
Centre No โ€“ A-147
2nd May 20โ€ฆ

My dear Azhar,

First position! How fantastic! I was thrilled to bits. Accept my heartfelt congratulations on your grand success in your examinations. I really feel elated at your success. I am celebrating it with my household and my friends. Why shouldnโ€™t I? After all your cherished dream has come true. Painstaking never goes waste. You worked extremely hard, deserved brilliant success and got it.

I hope this success will encourage you to work hard for your future examinations, especially the biggest one โ€“ the examination of our total life in the hereafter.

Convey my congratulations to your parents. They will be really feeling over the moon at your success. Of course, they have the privilege to feel.

When are you holding a grand feast to formally celebrate your grand success? I am eagerly looking forward to it and would like to be on time.

With best wishes,

Yours Lovingly

โžก Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the birthday present, he has sent to you.

Examination Hall
Centre No. _______
3rd May-20โ€ฆ

Dear Uncle,

I hope you are well with the grace of Allah, the Almighty. How nice of you to have sent a valuable present on my birthday! I have received many gifts and presents from my friends and relatives, but your gift is the best one. I was thrilled to bits on receiving the wristwatch sent by you as a token of love to your loving nephew. It is really a nice watch. It keeps the correct time. Itโ€˜s dazzling golden colour is very charming. I was badly in need of it. I was often late for school. I hope this watch will regulate my every action and make me punctual.

I have shown it to my friends. They all liked it very much. I have no words to thank you for this fine present.

With compliments and best regards,

Your loving nephew
Sheikh Bilal

โžก Write a letter to your mother advising her to take care of her health.

Examination Hall
Centre 211-JKBSE
3rd March-20โ€ฆ

Dear Mom,

I was shocked to know from Dadโ€˜s letter that you have gone weak. It is a matter of great concern to the whole family.

Dear Mom, you are the absolute wealth of the family; the dearest thing on earth to me. You always take care of others but usually neglect yourself. Is it fair anyway? Your being healthy is very essential to all of us. The whole system of the family revolves around you. You are the nucleus of the family and so dear to us. Our life is trash without you.

You are so wise to understand our concern. Iโ€™ve been feeling on pins and spikes since I came to know about you. Our joys are conditioned to your well-being. So, take care of your health, please. I will be coming to see you soon after my examinations are over.

Your loving son,
Shah Reyaz.

โžก Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take part in school debates.

Examination Hall
Centre _________
4th March-20โ€ฆ..

Dear A.K.R,

We are quite alright here and wish you to be fit as a fiddle. Let you not worry about us. You must concentrate on your studies.

Presently I want to advise you to take an active part in the debates and other competitions organized by your school. Dear brother, you are really fortunate enough to be a student of a school which is reputed for organizing debates and seminars on various issues. Your chances of emerging as a great debater are, therefore, very bright if you participate in them. The need to participate in debates is paramount. Debates give us a chance to maintain the right and the just view-point towards the issues that our society is confronted with. We get a chance to put forth our own thought and to know the debatersโ€™ ideas. We surrender before the other or make them surrender before our right and genuine approach. Debates are very essential for our mental growth and expansion of knowledge.

Hope that youโ€˜ll not shirk taking part in the debates organized by your school henceforth. Please report about your participation and performance.

Lovingly yours,
Syed Shabir Ahmad

โžก Your younger brother is neglecting his studies. Write a letter advising him to concentrate and pay more attention to the studies.

Examination Hall
Centre X-124. BOSE
5th May, 2017

Dear Aslam,

I hope you will receive this letter of mine in sound health and in a good mood. We are all quite alright.

Dear brother, it is discouraging that you are neglecting your studies at a very crucial juncture of your academic career. Yesterday your principal rang at the home number and complained about your negligence towards studies. Fortunately, there was none else than me at home to receive the call. Instead of informing Dad about the complaint, I thought it better to secretly write to you so that nobody else in the family knew about it.

My brother, itโ€™s mad to ignore the studies when your exams are on your hand. It is the time when students need to ignore even some necessary exercises and concentrate on studies. Your time is very precious. You should dedicate your all efforts towards registering a brilliant success. Frame a time table for yourself, and work according to it. I hope youโ€˜ll act upon my advice and compensate for the loss to come successful with laurels in the coming vital exams of your academic career.

May Allah guide you towards the light, and increase your knowledge.

Your loving brother,
Dar Reyaz.

โžก Write a letter to your father asking him to allow you to go to a picnic with your class.

Examination Hall

6th May, 202โ€ฆ

Dear Abu,

I am fine and wish the same for you. Dear Abu, my half-yearly exams have been over just days before. For the last two months, I havenโ€™t got any time to relax and enjoy. Almost the same has been the case with my friends. Now that we are comparatively free, they have decided to have some refreshment.

As it is the month of July, the weather in the valley is pleasant and inviting. The gardens are full of greenery and blooming flowers. The tourists are haunting the health resorts of the valley. Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Kokarnag and other places are calling and inviting people to pay a visit. My friends, meanwhile, have chalked out a programme to visit Pahalgam for a picnic. Almost all the arrangements have been made. I am, therefore, in need of Rs 500/= and your permission to accompany my friends. I hope that you will not disappoint me.

Looking forward to your reply,

Your loving son,
Mahir Sajad.

โžก Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to read newspapers daily.

Examination Hall
Centre 172-BOSE
6th May-20โ€ฆ

Dear Bilal,

We are fine and wish the same for you. It is pleasing that you are showing good performance in your academics. But it is a matter of great concern that you are poor in general knowledge. It appears that you have no time to go through books on general studies and current affairs.

Dear brother, no doubt it is important to excel in your concerned subjects but equally essential is to have a good hold on general knowledge. You canโ€˜t expect to pass any competitive exams without a good hold on general knowledge. If you havenโ€˜t time enough to read big books on the subject, I would suggest the reading of some leading newspapers as an alternative.

You should make it a habit to read a few eminent newspapers daily. They will keep you in touch with world affairs. They will keep your knowledge up to date. You will learn much about the views and thoughts of editors. Moreover, the study of newspapers will enrich your vocabulary. Of course, you have to study books, but donโ€™t forget to read newspapers daily.

I hope you will act upon my advice.

With love,

Yours affectionately,
Salik Ahmad

โžก Write a letter to your father inviting him to visit the speech competition organized in your school.

Examination Hall
Centre No. _____
7th โ€“ May 20โ€ฆ

My dear Papa,

I hope you will receive this letter of mine in sound health and good mood. I am quite alright and wish the same for you all.

It has been a long time since you paid me a visit at my school. Perhaps it was parents day at that time. Nevertheless, it is again time when you would have to steal some time from your busy schedule to fulfil my demand. Actually, my school is going to organize a district-level speech competition on coming Saturday. Students of renowned institutions all over the district are participating in the event. The honourable Education Minister will be the chief guest on the occasion. Fortunately enough I have been given a chance to represent my school in the competition. It is a great challenge and needs great wit and verve. Could you please encourage me by your presence I am sure that your presence will work wonders for my better performance. Moreover, you will see for yourself what I have been making of your hard-earned money.

I hope you will spare some time and come to see me on the dais.

With love.

Yours affectionately,
Wahid Sheer

โžก Write a letter of condolence to a friend who has recently lost his father or brother. ( condolence letter)

Examination Hall
Centre no. _______
20 May-20โ€ฆ

Dear Ashraf,

The news about the untimely death of your dear father has left me shocked and miserable. I can hardly believe my ears. It is my personal loss. Words are too weak to express my grief at this time. Your father was indeed, a thorough gentleman. He loved me as his son. He was ever ready to give me his valuable advice whenever I stood in need of it.

I offer my heartfelt sympathy in your terrible bereavement. I know that being the only son of your father the whole responsibility has fallen on your shoulders and that you would be feeling quite uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I have full confidence in you. With the passage of time, I hope that your wounds will heal and you will succeed in this trial. Allah will help you in overcoming the loss and in taking on the responsibilities successfully.

Once again I assure you of my deepest sympathy in your sorrow. May Allah grant everlasting peace to the departed soul and give you the strength to bear the irreparable loss.

Yours sincerely,
Mahir Sajad.

Write a condolence letter to your friend who has suddenly lost his mother.

Bemina, Bye-Pass


My dear friend,

I was shocked to know about the sad demise of your dear mother. The news was so unexpected and disturbing that I could not believe it. Only two days before, I met her in the market. She was quite hale and hearty. She in fact wanted me to accompany her to your residence and had lunch with the family.

She was a pious and religious lady. Her untimely death is a personal loss to me as well. She always treated me as her own child as she had great affection for me.

Her death is really an irreparable loss. But as we know that death is inevitable, so we have to bow our heads before the Will of the Almighty.

May Almighty grant peace and blessings to the departed soul!

Yours Sincerely,


โžก Write a letter to your friend, suggesting/inviting him to spend his summer vacation with you.

Examination Hall
Centre A-75
7th May, 20โ€ฆ

Dear Aafaq,

Been out of touch for a long time. How are you? How is everything there? How are your parents and siblings? I had been engaged with my examinations so I couldnโ€™t write earlier. Sorry! Just after getting free from exams, I thought it proper to write to you immediately.

Your school, as you have mentioned in your letter closes for summer holiday from the next Monday.

My pleasure! Same is the case with mine. What a chance to enjoy each otherโ€™s compassionate company! It would be fun being together after a long time in this beautiful summer. How about visiting some world-famous tourist resorts of Kashmir? We could go around and see these places together, beat heat and have some fun too. Such chances donโ€˜t accrue time and again.

Give an immediate reply giving the details of your plans.

Regards to Auntie and Uncle and love to your siblings,

See You!
Abdul Wadud

โžก Write a letter to your friend giving him a brief account of your trip to Kashmir Valley.

H. No.44, Yagipora
May 30, 202โ€ฆ

My dear Friend,

I reached home last Monday. As you intent to visit Kashmir next summer, I eagerly feel to write a brief account of my trip to the Valley, which surely you will be delighted to read.

The road from Jammu to Srinagar is not smooth. Here it bends to the right, there to the left, now it ascends and then it descends. The travellers very often feel giddy and sometimes begin to vomit. But the scene around is picturesque and attractive. The hills and precipices covered with lush green trees of all sorts and descriptions, the sweet murmur of the silver-white streams mingled with the singing of gaily plumage birds, the snow mountains in the background, make the place befitting abode for all.

One day we went to the Dall. It is a beautiful lake in the heart of Srinagar city. It contains transparent water in which people grow vegetables on floating gardens. Nishat Garden, Shalimar Garden, Chashm-i-shahi, Gulmarg, Pahalgam and numerous other places are worth-seeing. There are so many things that I shall tell you about this Paradise when you come home.
I wish you good luck on the ensuing trip.

Yours lovingly,
Danish Ahmad.

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