She says, “I am reading my book.” Change into Indirect Speech

She says, “I am reading my book.” Change into Indirect SpeechCategory: Grammar QuestionShe says, “I am reading my book.” Change into Indirect Speech
Mir Afzal Staff asked 2 months ago
She says, “I am reading my book.” Change into Indirect Speech
1 Answers
Mir Afzal Staff answered 2 months ago

The transformation from direct speech to indirect speech involves changing the pronouns, verb tenses, and sometimes the word order. Let's break down the given sentence:

Direct Speech:
She says, “I am reading my book.”

Indirect Speech:
She says that she is reading her book.

1. The pronoun "I" changes to "she" to reflect the change in the speaker.
2. The present continuous tense "am reading" changes to the corresponding form "is reading" in the indirect speech.
3. The word "that" is used to introduce the reported speech.
4. The rest of the sentence remains unchanged.
So, in indirect speech, we maintain the meaning of the original statement while adjusting the pronouns and verb tenses to fit the context of reporting.