List of Adjectives Starting With N

List of Adjectives Starting With n

  1. Nebulous: Hazy or indistinct, lacking clear form.
  2. Nascent โ€“ just beginning to exist or develop: The technology was still in its nascent stages.
  3. Nurturing โ€“ providing care and encouragement: A nurturing environment fosters growth and development.
  4. Nifty โ€“ cleverly stylish and efficient: The nifty gadget simplified daily tasks.
  5. Noble โ€“ possessing high moral qualities: Acts of kindness are noble and admirable.
  6. Nonchalant โ€“ appearing casually unconcerned or indifferent: He remained nonchalant despite the unexpected news.
  7. Nefarious: Wicked, villainous, or extremely evil.
  8. Nautical: Related to ships, navigation, or the sea.
  9. Nondescript: Lacking distinctive features, ordinary, or unremarkable.
  10. Nocturnal: Active or occurring during the night.
  11. Nostalgic: A sentimental longing for the past, often with a sense of fondness.
  12. Nubile: Suitable for marriage or sexual activity, typically used to describe young women.
  13. Nefelibata: One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams.
  14. Nebular: Related to or resembling a nebula, a vast cloud of gas and dust in space.
  15. Nefandous: Unspeakably atrocious or heinous, often referring to a taboo act.
  16. Nimble: Quick and light in movement or action, agile.
  17. Nonpareil: Unrivaled, having no equal; unparalleled in excellence.

  1. Numinous: Having a spiritual or divine quality, inspiring awe and reverence.
  2. Nebenkern: Secondary or accessory, often referring to a smaller nucleus within a cell.
  3. Nefelibous: Cloudy or cloud-like, creating a dreamy or ethereal atmosphere.
  4. Nascentious: Characterized by the quality of being born or emerging.
  5. Nubigenous: Originating in clouds, often used poetically to describe rain or mist.
  6. Nimious: Producing good or beneficial effects, advantageous.
  7. Noetic: Relating to intellectual activity, perception, or the mind.
  8. Nocuous: Harmful or injurious to health or well-being.
  9. Nepenthean: Inducing forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble; a substance for easing pain.
  10. Niveous: Resembling snow, snowy or pure white in color.
  11. Nudicaulous: Having naked stems or stalks without leaves.
  12. Nudipedous: Walking barefoot or having naked feet.
  13. Nurturable: Capable of being nurtured or developed.
  14. Nomenclatural: Related to the system of assigning names, especially in scientific classification.
  15. Nubiferous: Producing clouds or mist.
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