List of Adjectives Starting With J

List of Adjectives Starting With j

  1. Jovial: Cheerful and friendly.
  2. Jubilant: Showing great joy or triumph.
  3. Jocular: Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous.
  4. Judicious: Showing good judgment or sense.
  5. Jazzy: Lively, bright, and flashy in a stylish way.
  6. Jaunty: Cheerful, self-confident, and stylish.
  7. Jaded: Lacking enthusiasm due to overexposure or overindulgence.
  8. Juxtaposed: Placed or dealt with close together for contrasting effect.
  9. Jittery: Nervous or uneasy.
  10. Jingoistic: Extremely patriotic and aggressive.
  11. Jaundiced: Showing bitterness, resentment, or prejudice.
  12. Jocose: Playful or humorous.
  13. Jointed: Having joints or joint-like segments.
  14. Joyous: Full of joy and happiness.
  15. Jocund: Cheerful and lighthearted.
  16. Jumpy: Nervous or easily startled.
  17. Justifiable: Capable of being justified or defended.
  18. Jabbering: Talking rapidly and unintelligibly.
  19. Jagged: Having rough, sharp points protruding.
  20. Jeering: Mocking or scoffing in a contemptuous manner.
  21. Joculant: Marked by a joyful and playful spirit.
  22. Judicial: Relating to the administration of justice.
  23. Jovian: Relating to the planet Jupiter.
  24. Juicy: Full of juice; succulent.
  25. Jingoish: Extremely patriotic, often with an aggressive or warlike stance.
  26. Jumpy: Nervous or anxious.
  27. Jesting: Making jokes or playful remarks.
  28. Jungle-like: Resembling or characteristic of a dense, overgrown forest.
  29. Juxtapositional: Relating to the act or placement of two things near each other for contrast.
  30. Jural: Relating to law or legal rights.
  31. Joyful: Full of joy and happiness.
  32. Jubilatory: Expressing or causing great joy or happiness.
  33. Jaspery: Resembling or characteristic of jasper, a type of ornamental rock.
  34. Jettisoned: Discarded or cast off, often in a forceful manner.
  35. Justiciable: Capable of being settled in a court of law.
  36. Jitterbugging: Engaging in a lively and energetic dance, often to jazz music.
  37. Jungly: Resembling or characteristic of a jungle.
  38. Jangling: Making a harsh, discordant sound.
  39. Joyridden: Engaged in a reckless or carefree pursuit of pleasure.
  40. Judgmatic: Exhibiting sound judgment and wisdom.
  41. Jowly: Having heavy, sagging cheeks or jowls.
  42. Jumpy: Nervous or easily startled.
  43. Jocundous: Cheerful and lighthearted.
  44. Judicious: Showing good judgment and discernment.
  45. Juxtapositive: Placed side by side for comparison or contrast.
  46. Jumped-up: Arrogant or self-important, especially without justification.
  47. Jolly: Full of high spirits and good humor.
  48. Jerkwater: Small, insignificant, or remote.
  49. Jumbled: Mixed up in a disorderly or haphazard manner.
  50. Jambalaya: Characterized by a mixture or assortment, like the Louisiana Creole dish.

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