Questions and Answers of The Brook Class 8th

Questions and Answers of The Brook Class 8th


Q.1. Who is โ€œIโ€ referred to as in the poem?

Q.2. Trace the journey of the brook.

Q. 3. Explain the following lines:

Q.4.ย Alliterationย is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in verse such as โ€œI slip, I slide, I gloom, I glanceโ€™. Pick out more examples ofย alliterationย from the poem.

Q5. Can the journey of the brook to be compared to human life? How?


Q1. โ€œIโ€ refers to the brook in the poem.
Q2. The brookโ€™s journey involves flowing down hills, passing through villages, crossing bridges, and eventually merging with a river.
Q3. Please provide the specific lines youโ€™d like me to explain.
Q4. Examples of alliteration include โ€œbicker down a valley,โ€ โ€œsparkle out among the fern,โ€ and โ€œbabble on the pebbles.โ€
Q5. Yes, the journey of the brook can be compared to human life as it reflects the perpetual nature of the brookโ€™s flow contrasting with the transient nature of human existence.

Q3. These lines emphasize the eternal nature of the brookโ€™s journey compared to the transient nature of human life. They highlight the theme of continuity and change.

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Q4. Examples of alliteration: โ€œchatter over stony ways,โ€ โ€œbicker down a valley,โ€ โ€œbabble on the pebbles.โ€

Q5. Yes, the journey of the brook can be compared to human life as both involve a continuous flow, encountering different phases and landscapes. Just as the brook persists in its journey, life also moves forward despite changes and challenges.

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