20 + Examples of Prepositions Used in Sentences


Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They indicate direction, location, and time. In this article, we will be providing 30 examples of sentences that contain prepositions. The prepositions in each sentence will be underlined for easy identification. This will serve as a useful guide for understanding the proper usage of prepositions in English grammar.

Prepositions in sentences

20 Examples of Prepositions Used in Sentences

  1. She is sitting on the couch.
  2. The cat is hiding under the bed
  3. He is standing in front of the mirror.
  4. The book is on the table.
  5. The dog is barking at the mailman.
  6. I am going to the store.
  7. The flower is in the vase.
  8. The bird flew over the house.
  9. He is playing with his toys.
  10. The car is parked beside the building.
  11. She is wearing a dress to the party.
  12. The cookies are in the jar.
  13. They are watching the movie on television.
  14. He is reading a book by Stephen King.
  15. The dog is chasing the ball in the park.
  16. She is sitting next to her sister.
  17. He is working on a project for school.
  18. The cat is sleeping under the blanket.
  19. He is drinking water from the bottle.
  20. The cookies are on the plate.
  21. She is running towards the finish line.
  22. The dog is barking at the mailman.
  23. He is playing with his friends outside.
  24. She is sitting in the car.
  25. The book is on the shelf.
  26. He is walking through the forest.
  27. The cat is sitting on the windowsill.
  28. She is studying for her exam.
  29. The dog is barking at the squirrel.
  30. He is playing the guitar with his band.

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