
to exceed / excessive / excess

‘To exceed’ means to be more than. The adjective is ‘excessive’, which means too much. If your speed is excessive, you could be stopped by the police, for instance. And, because of roadworks on the northern motorway, you can’t exceed 80 kph in some parts. The noun is ‘excess’ and the expression ‘in excess of’ is a more formal way of saying ‘more than’. When your insurance policy includes an ‘excess’ of $ 1 000, this means that you have to pay the first $ 1 000 of any claim before the insurance company makes a payout – so it’s a very important thing to check!

Sales exceeded our wildest expectations.

He claimed to have acted in self-defence, but it was clear that excessive force had been used.

The bank holds deposits in excess of $ 2 bn.

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