Why does the narrator say that Gilli Danda is the king of all sports?

Why does the narrator say that Gilli Danda is the king of all sports?Category: General English QuestionWhy does the narrator say that Gilli Danda is the king of all sports?
Farhat asked 3 years ago
Why does the narrator say that Gilli Danda is the king of all sports?
1 Answers
Best Answer
Mir Afzal Staff answered 3 years ago

The narrator says that gilli danda is the king of all sports because you can play it anywhere and without any expensive equipment.You don’t need a lawn, a court, a net or any other expensive equipment. Just climb a tree, cut a branch, make a gulli and even if there are only two of you, you can start playing!He also always has a great desire to play it whenever he sees children playing it.