Essay on Women Empowerment in English For Students and Children

Almost all competitive and academic exams require students to write an essay on a topic related to women empowerment. In this blog on women empowerment,we have talked about what empowerment means, and reasons for the importance of womenโ€™s economic, social and political empowerment. We have also discussed some of the obstacles that stand in the way of women empowerment, as well as some potential solutions.

100 + Words Essay on Women Empowerment

Women have had problems since the day they were born. They had to fight for their rights, against societal preconceptions, and for their freedom. Women empowerment entails promoting women through professional education, accepting their viewpoints, and giving them with the right to anything they wish. Women should not be forced to remain in someone elseโ€™s shadow, unable to express themselves. The major goal of womenโ€™s empowerment is to offer women the opportunity to shine above others and gain equal rights in society.

Literacy is the first step toward womenโ€™s empowerment. A well-educated woman is self-assured, vocal, and capable of making decisions. If women are given the opportunity to study, they can become prime ministers like Indira Gandhi, IAS officers like Kiran Bedi, or successful CEOs like Indira Nooyi.

Essay on Women Empowerment

200+ Words Essay on Women Empowerment

Women empowerment entails more than simply ensuring that womenโ€™s basic rights are met. Womenโ€™s empowerment, in its purest form, includes features of independence, equality, and freedom of expression. The true struggle is in ensuring gender equality through this.

Women have shone wonderfully in every sector when given the proper backing. Even in India, we have seen women take on a variety of roles, including Prime Minister, Astronaut, Entrepreneur, Banker, and many others. Women are also seen as the foundation of a family. They are responsible for a variety of tasks, ranging from household chores to child rearing. This is why they excel at multitasking, and many working women successfully balance professional and personal duties. While women work in cities, they are still restricted to household responsibilities in rural areas. How can we hope to grow as a society if every girl is denied the right to an education and the ability to make her own decisions? India is a place where we revere goddesses but do not give a damn about gender equality.

As a result, we must strive to create an environment of integrity for all of our moms, sisters, and daughters. We must increase their confidence so that they are capable of making decisions in all stages of life, and this is how we can work towards womenโ€™s empowerment.

300 + Words Essay on Women Empowerment

Women empowerment means empowering women. It refers to the creation of an atmosphere in which women can make their own decisions for their personal and societal good. Women should be granted the same rights as men in order to truly empower them. They must be strong, vigilant, and awake at all times in order to grow and develop. The most common issues are related to womenโ€™s education, poverty, health, and safety. Following our countryโ€™s independence, India faced numerous obstacles that resulted in a significant disparity between men and women, particularly in the domains of education.

The desire for women empowerment has existed for a long time, but it has only recently gained popularity. Womenโ€™s empowerment is more than just fighting for equal rights. The upliftment of women from a culture that is always pulling them down is referred to as womenโ€™s empowerment. In a culture where female gods are worshipped, a woman experiences sexual harassment, is denied the right to an education, her voice is silenced, and she becomes the next victim of domestic abuse. Only by removing the constant pressure on women and allowing them to share their ideas with others, will Indian society be able to grow. In India, a womanโ€™s role is limited to household work and caring for family members. Womenโ€™s empowerment is a pressing need in India, as women need to be informed of their rights. Women will only be able to fight for their basic rights if they are aware of them.
The first step toward women empowerment is to listen to and support their thoughts. Do not make fun of them or bury their ideas. increase their self-esteem and confidence. Encourage them to pursue their dreams, provide resources for assistance, and serve as a mentor. Women have the capacity to shape not only their own lives, but also the globe. Equal opportunities and the freedom to make their own decisions are the foundations for womenโ€™s empowerment.

400 + Words Essay on Women Empowerment

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Women empowerment can take many forms. Individuals and the state must collaborate to attain this goal. Education should be compulsory so that girls do not become illiterate and unable to support themselves. Women must be treated equally in all disciplines. In addition to government-sponsored programmes, individual womenโ€™s empowerment is possible. Embrace women and provide them with equal opportunities. We should promote and encourage them to work, study, and start businesses. Many government initiatives have been launched to empower women, including the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana and the Mahila Shakti Kendra. The eradication of societal ills like dowry and child marriage can aid women more than these activities. Small steps can make a big difference in womenโ€™s social position and empowerment.

500 + Words Essay on Women Empowerment Essay

What is empowerment of women?

Women empowerment means empowering women equal to men so that they can live their lives the way they want. It means women and girls have control over their lives and are able to participate freely in social, political and economic domains. It is about realizing true equality for men and women. In India, womenโ€™s empowerment is highly reliant on a variety of factors, including geographic location (urban / rural), educational attainment, social standing (caste and class), and age. At the national, state, and local (Panchayat) levels, policies on womenโ€™s empowerment exist in a variety of sectors, including health, education, economic opportunity, gender-based violence, and political engagement. However, there is a substantial disconnect between policy developments and actual community practise.

Women empowerment is fundamentally the process of improving the economic, social, and political position of women, particularly those who have historically been marginalised in society. It is the method by which they are protected from all sorts of violence. Women empowerment entails establishing a society, a political climate, in which women can breathe freely without fear of oppression, exploitation, suspicion, discrimination, or the general sense of persecution that comes with being a woman in a traditionally male-dominated organisation.
Women account for about half of the worldโ€™s population, yet India has a lopsided sex ratio, with females constituting a smaller proportion of the population than males. They are not always regarded equally to males in terms of social status. Women enjoy equal rights and status with males in all spheres of life in Western societies. However, gender inequalities and discrimination persist in India today. The paradoxical condition has resulted in her being treated as a Goddess at times and as a slave at others.

Being on an equal footing with their male counterparts remains a distant dream for Indian women. Not only are they insignificant as public personalities, but an average Indian woman struggles to make decisions at home or in the workplace. In 2012, women held only eight of the union council of ministersโ€™ 74 ministerial positions. Only two women judges were appointed to the Supreme Court, out of a total of 26, and only 54 women judges were appointed to other high courts, out of a total of 634.

Why is Women Empowerment Required?

According to the Indian cultureโ€™s โ€ Vedas Purana,โ€ women are venerated as LAXMI MAA, the goddess of riches; SARSWATI MAA, the goddess of wisdom; and DURGA MAA, the goddess of might. Womenโ€™s position in India, particularly in rural regions, must address the issue of women empowerment. Around 66 percent of rural women are underutilised. This is primarily due to ingrained social norms. Women make up 90% of the workforce in agricultural and animal care. Women account for nearly half of the worldโ€™s population, work nearly two-thirds of the worldโ€™s hours, earn one-tenth of the worldโ€™s income, and own less than one-tenth of the worldโ€™s property. Women outnumber men two to one among the worldโ€™s 900 million illiterate individuals. Women make up 70% of those who live in poverty. Reduced sex ratio, 933, Existing research indicates that women are less healthy than men despite being in the same class. In poor nations, they account for fewer than one-seventh of administrators and managers. Women hold only 10% of seats in the World Parliament and 6% in the National Cabinet.

Justifications for Women Empowerment

Today, we have seen numerous acts and schemes enacted by the central and state governments to empower women in India. However, in India, women face discrimination and marginalisation at every level of society, including social involvement, political participation, economic participation, educational access, and reproductive healthcare. Women are economically impoverished in India.

Several women are involved in service and other endeavours. As a result, they require economic strength to compete on an equal footing with males. On the other side, women are shown to be less literate than men.

According to the 2001 census, men in India have a literacy rate of 76 percent, while women have a literacy rate of only 54 percent. Thus, enhancing womenโ€™s education is critical to their empowerment. Additionally, it was found that some women are too frail to work. They eat less but labour more. Thus, from a health standpoint, women who are weaker are to be strengthened. Another issue is workplace harassment directed towards women. There are several instances of rape, girl kidnapping, and dowry harassment. As a result, individuals demand various forms of empowerment in order to protect themselves and maintain their purity and dignity. To summarise, women empowerment is impossible without womenโ€™s participation in and assistance with self-empowerment. There is a need to develop policies aimed at eradicating feminised poverty, boosting womenโ€™s education, and preventing and eliminating violence against women.


Various obstacles impede the path of women empowerment in India. In developing countries such as India, social norms and family structure show and sustain womenโ€™s subordination.
Among the standards is the persistent preference for the birth of a son over the birth of a female child, which exists in practically all nations and communities. In terms of education, nutrition, and other chances, society is more prejudiced in favour of male children. The underlying notion that male children inherit the clan in India, with the exception of Meghalaya, is the source of this mindset. Women frequently adopt the old view of their duty as natural, afflicting them with injustice. For the vast majority of women in India, poverty is a fact of life. It is another aspect that complicates the process of achieving womenโ€™s empowerment.

Numerous obstacles impede the advancement of womenโ€™s rights in India. Addressing these challenges will have a direct impact on womenโ€™s empowerment in India.

While the country has made great strides in education since independence, the gender divide remains significant. While 82.14 percent of adult males in India are literate, only 65.46 percent of adult women are. Gender bias exists in higher education and specialised professional training, which disadvantage women significantly when it comes to employment and achieving top leadership positions in any sector.

Poverty: Poverty is often seen as the greatest threat to world peace, and eradicating poverty should be a national priority on a par with eradicating illiteracy. Women are exploited as domestic servants as a result of this.


Health and Safety: Womenโ€™s health and safety are critical for a countryโ€™s well-being and are a key indicator of womenโ€™s empowerment in a country. However, there are grave worries about maternity healthcare.

Professional Imbalance: This inequality is manifested in hiring and promotion practises. Women suffer numerous disadvantages in male-dominated environments such as government offices and private businesses.

Morality and Inequality: As a result of gender bias in health and nutrition, women have an abnormally high morality rate, further reducing their population in Asia, Africa, and China.

Household Inequality: Gender bias manifests itself in household interactions in infinitesimally small but major ways throughout the world, most notably in India, such as sharing the load of housework, childcare, and menial labour through so-called division of labour.


Thus, the situation of women empowerment appears to be somewhat poor in terms of income / employment and educational achievement. The need of the hour is to uncover the loopholes or impediments to womenโ€™s empowerment, and this initiative must begin with women themselves, as well as, more crucially, with policy initiatives adopted by the state and society. Let us pledge that we want an egalitarian society in which everyone, men and women alike, has an equal opportunity to express and advance their own and the collective well-being.

600 + Words Essay on Women Empowerment

Women empowerment entails empowering women on an equal footing with men in order for them to live their lives anyway they like. This implies that women and girls have authority over their life and can participate freely in social, political, and economic spheres. It is about achieving true parity between men and women.

It is a fact that women are built differently from men by nature, but this difference cannot be translated as inferiority. Women make up about 50 per cent of the nationโ€™s population, and most of them remain economically dependent, without employment. Many of them are not even aware of the fact that they are eligible for positions enjoyed by men. As a result, the economy of the country is skewed by under-utilisation of available human resources. Women are generally considered to be less competent, both intellectually and physically, compared to men. As a result, the opportunities extended towards them become biassed and obtrusive without a real assessment of their competencies. While scientific data proclaims that women are more adept at multi-tasking than men, it remains the second choice for employers in the country. Women are still denied basic education in most parts of India and the world, and they are never allowed to pursue higher education despite having the necessary acumen. There is no doubt that this colossal waste of talent is holding economies backward.

Gender barriers include sexual harassment; unfair recruitment practises; career progression and unequal pay where women are paid less than men for the same work. While much of the public discussion of the โ€œwage gapโ€ focused on women receiving equal pay for the same work as their male peers, many women are struggling with what is known as the โ€œpregnancy penaltyโ€ The main problem is that it is difficult to measure, but some experts say that the possibility of having a baby can be enough for employers to get women out of line. Women are therefore placed in a position where they need to decide whether to remain in the workforce or to have children.

In the last few decades, India has witnessed some changes in the status and role of women in our society. There has been a shift in policy approaches โ€“ focusing on โ€˜welfareโ€™ in the seventies, โ€˜developmentโ€™ in the eighties, and โ€˜growthโ€™ in the nineties, has now been tagged with the contemporary term โ€™empowerment.โ€™

Womenโ€™s employment is currently a burning issue in the minds of policy makers of the country. Empowering women socially, economically, educationally, politically and legally will be a Herculean task. It will not be easy to change the deeply rooted perception that women are inferior, dependent and dispensable, resulting in a culture of disdain for women in Indian society. But that does not mean that change is implausible. Time is needed to eliminate perception. But with a push in the right direction and a lot of effort directed, this task could only be accomplished. All we need is a well-organized approach by the government and the countryโ€™s law enforcement agencies in the right direction, which would only be based on the liberation of women from all forms of evil.

Women empowerment, in fact, is synonymous with the complete development of society. An educated woman with knowledge of health, hygiene and cleanliness is able to create a better environment for her family that is disease-free. A self-employed woman is not only able to contribute to the finances of her family, but also to increase the overall GDP of the country. A shared source of income is much more likely to improve the quality of life than a single household income and helps the family out of the trap of poverty more often than not. It is less likely that women who are aware of their legal rights will be victims of domestic violence or other forms of exploitation.

700 + Words Essay on Women Empowerment

One way of thinking about power is the ability to make choices. To be disempowered means to be denied choice, while empowerment refers to the processes by which those who have been denied the ability to make choices acquire that ability. In other words, empowering women means that women are free to make their own choices. They are not bound by what society, customs, protocol or individuals feel, but by what each woman defines for herself at every stage of her life. It could range from a young girl wearing what she wants-to, choosing a career, regardless of whether it is โ€˜suitable for women or not.โ€™ Or the choices a woman makes in her late twenties/thirties about her marital and maternal status.

If the women of a country are empowered, the development of that nation is a must. To do this, we need to destroy demons who kill womenโ€™s rights and social values such as honour killing, illiteracy, dowry, rape, female infanticide, inequality, domestic violence, sexual harassment, illegal trafficking, prostitution and many other issues. Discrimination based on gender is something that will bring cultural, social, economic and educational differences within society, which will hinder the growth of the country.

The most effective solution to this problem is to provide them with proper education and accurate information and to give them the right to equality set out in the Constitution of India. To promote the empowerment of women, it should be promoted in every family from childhood. Womenโ€™s empowerment is a process in which women develop and recreate what it is that they can be, do, and accomplish in circumstances that they have previously been denied.

However, when talking about women empowerment, it can be defined in many ways. It implies that people (women) who are on the outside of the decision โ€“ making process are accepted and allowed into it. โ€œThis puts a strong emphasis on participation in political structures and formal decision-making and in the economic sphere, on the ability to obtain an income that enables participation in economic decision โ€“ making.โ€ Empowerment is the process that gives people power over their own lives, society, and in their communities.

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People are empowered when they can access the opportunities available to them without limitations and restrictions. Feeling entitled to make your own decisions creates a sense of empowerment. Empowerment includes action to enhance the status of women through education, awareness-raising, literacy and training. Womenโ€™s empowerment is all about equipping and enabling women to make life-determining decisions through different societal challenges.

Women empowerment is essential for the very development of society as it improves both the quality and the number of human resources available for national development. Empowerment is one of the main procedural concerns for addressing human rights and development. To ensure the sustainable development of the nation, womenโ€™s empowerment and the achievement of gender equality are vital for our society. Many world leaders and scholars have argued that without women empowerment, sustainable development is impossible. Women would not be in a position to benefit or contribute to the development of the country without the equal inclusion of women in development.

Women empowerment is incomplete until they are not economically empowered. The economic empowerment of women refers to womenโ€™s ability to exercise their right to control and benefit from resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as their ability to manage risk and improve their economic status and well-being. Economic empowerment increases womenโ€™s agency, access to formal government programmes, mobility outside the home, economic independence, and purchasing power. Another method used to empower women economically is to strengthen womenโ€™s access to inheritance and land rights. This would enable them to have better means of accumulating assets, capital, and bargaining power to address gender inequalities. Often, women are legally restricted from their land on the sole basis of gender in developing and underdeveloped nations. Having a right to their land gives women a sort of bargaining power they would not normally have in turn, they gain more economic independence and formal financial institutions.

Short Essay on Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is the process by which women gain control over their own lives, societies, and communities. In simple terms, empowerment refers to the act of endowing someone with power or authority. It refers to an individualโ€™s advancement in social, economic, spiritual, or political standing. It is an exercise designed to improve womenโ€™s educational, economic, social, political, spiritual, and health status.

Why Women Empowerment is Required

Women have been mistreated throughout history. One of those is Sati Pratha. Female foeticide is still widely practised. Additionally, horrible crimes against women such as rape, acid attack, honour killing, and domestic violence continue to be endemic in India. Numerous females are also victimised by the dowry system. According to the Indian Governmentโ€™s Sample Registration System, the gender ratio is 900 females to 1000 males for the year 2013-2015. One of the primary reasons for this is the prevalent practise of female foeticide in India. Female literacy rates are likewise significantly lower than male literacy rates. These are the aspects that contribute to womenโ€™s empowerment being necessary.

Women Empowerment Initiatives

Numerous social reformers have made significant gains toward empowering women for a lengthy period of time. Sati Pratha was banned in 1829, and other restrictions were enacted to advance womenโ€™s social, economic, and political position. To empower women, the Indian Constitution encourages gender equality and compels the state to implement measures to defend womenโ€™s rights. The Indian Constitution also includes fundamental rights, which are critical for women empowerment. This covers the Indian Constitutionโ€™s Article 15, Article 15(3), and Article 16. Additionally, various legislation empowering Indian women have been approved by Parliament. Several significant institutions/national machineries, including the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the National Mission for Womenโ€™s Empowerment (NMEW), the National Commission for Women (NCW), the National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), the National Policy on Womenโ€™s Empowerment (NPEW), and the Parliamentary Committee on Womenโ€™s Empowerment (PCEW), are also actively working for women empowerment. These laws, programmes, policies, and institutions have all contributed to the advancement of Indian womenโ€™s standing.

To achieve women empowerment, the Indian government has launched extensive programmes to protect womenโ€™s health and educational rights, as well as social and economic stability and safety. Several of these programmes are listed below:

Empowerment in Health Care

Some of the programmes for Women Health Empowerment include the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY), the Maternity Care Act, the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA), the National Nutrition Mission, and Mission Indradhanush.

Womenโ€™s Social Security and Empowerment

Swachh Vidyalaya Initiative (SVI), Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), Ujjwala Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), Passport Rules, and Working Women Hostels are some of the governmentโ€™s programmes and policies aimed at ensuring social security and women empowerment.

Womenโ€™s Financial Security and Empowerment

The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY), Stand-Up India, Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, and Mahila E-Haat are some of the Government of Indiaโ€™s programmes aimed at ensuring womenโ€™s financial security and empowerment.

Empowerment of Female Children

The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme (BBBP) and the Pragati Scheme are two well-known Government of India Girl Child Empowerment Schemes.

Womenโ€™s Safety

Nirbhaya Fund, Ujjawala Scheme, Swadhar Greh, Mahila Police Volunteers (MPVs), Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) Scheme, and Women of India Festival are some of the schemes implemented by the Government of India to ensure womenโ€™s safety.


There has been significant development in the domain of women empowerment, as the Indian government works tirelessly to improve womenโ€™s position in every field and to promote womenโ€™s full involvement. The Government is a firm believer that a country can flourish only with increased female participation, and in order to achieve this, the Government has supported and encouraged women women through a variety of programmes and initiatives.

Very Short Essay on Women Empowerment

Since ancient times, women have had fewer opportunity to develop their talents and expertise. But there are men and women everywhere. But men were the familyโ€™s leaders. They made the familyโ€™s decisions and managed the finances. Conversely, women were supposed to be responsible for all household duties and child care, but not for making critical family decisions. The roles were gendered. In general, womenโ€™s subjects are either focused on their reproductive role and bodies, or their economic position as employees. But none of them empower women. Women Empowerment is a progressive method of giving women the power they need to live a happy and dignified life. Women are empowered when they have equal access to education, equitable pay, and other possibilities. But there are no restrictions. It involves education, literacy, and decision-making authority. Women empowerment is critical to a countryโ€™s overall success. Previously, men were the sole breadwinners. Assume the home has one earner; otherwise, assume the family contains both male and female earners. Who will live better? Simple: a household where both men and women work. As a result, prioritising gender equality increases a countryโ€™s prosperity. Women have empowered and spoken up for other women.

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