Popular Abbreviations and Internet Acronyms Used In Daily Life ( A-Z)

Abbreviations and Internet Acronyms Mostly Used In Daily Life ( A-Z)

What is the full form of ABM?
Activity-based Management

What is the full form of ACR?
Annual Confidential Reports

What is the full form of A.D. ?
Anno Domin. It means โ€œin the year of our lord

What is the full form of ATM?
Automated Teller Machine

What is the full form of ACER?

Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection

What is the full form of ADSL?
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

What is the full form of AGP?
Accelerated Graphics Port

What is the full form of AIM?
Ambition In Life

What is the full form of AMD?
Advanced Micro Devices

What is the full form of AMOLED?
Active Matrix Organic Light- Emitting Diode

What is the full form of AP?
Associated Press Or Advanced Placement

What is the full form of APN?
Access Point Name

What is the full form of ASCII?
American Standard Code For information Interchange

What is the full form of ASPI?
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface

What is the full form of AT?
Advanced Technology

What is the full form of ATI?
ATI Technology Inc.

What is the full form of ATX?
Advanced Technology Extended

What is the full form of ABP?
Ananda Bazaar Patrika News

What is the full form of B.C ?
Before Christ

What is the full form of BCE?
Before Common Era

What is the full form of BFF?
BFF means โ€œBest Friends Forever ot Big Fat Friend/Female

What is the full form of BIOS?
Basic Input Output System

What is the full form of BMI?
Body Mass Index

What is the full form of BODMAS?
Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction

What is the full form of BYE?
Be With You Everytime

What is the full form of BLO?
Booth Level Officer

What is the full form of CAA?
Citizenship Amendment Act

What is the full form of CAB?
Citizenship Amendment Bill

What is the full form of CAN ?
Campus Area Network

What is the full form of CCNA ?
Cisco Certified Network Associate

What is the full form of CCNP ?
Cisco Certified Network Professionals

What is the full form of CCTV ?
Closed Circuit Television

What is the full form of CD ?
Compact Device

What is the full form of CDMA ?
Code Division Multiple Access

What is the full form of CDR ?
Compact Disk Recorder

What is the full form of CD- ROM ?
Compact Disk- Read Only Memory

What is the full form of CE?
Common Era

What is the full form of CEH ?
Certified Ethical Hacking

What is the full form of CEO ?
Chief Executive Officer

What is the full form of CFO ?
Chief Financial Officer

What is the full form of CID?
Crime Investigation Department

What is the full form of CISCO ?
Computer Information System Company

What is the full form of CMD ?

What is the full form of CMOS ?
Complimentary Metaoxide Simi Conductor

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What is the full form of CMS ?
Content Management System

What is the full form of COBOL?
Common Basic Oriented Language

What is the full form of COMPUTER?
Common Operating Machine Particularly Used For Technical Education and Research

What is the full form of CPU ?
Central Processing Unit

What is the full form of CSS ?
Cascading Style Sheet

What is the full form of CTA ?
Call To Action

What is the full form of CTR ?
Click Through Rate

What is the full form of CV ?
Curriculum Vitae

What is the full form of DBMS ?
Database Management System

What is the full form of DDOS ?
Distribution Denial Of Service

What is the full form of DDR ?
Double Data Rate

What is the full form of DELL ?
Development of Early Language Learning

What is the full form of DIMMs ?
Dual In-Iine Memory Modules

What is the full form of DIR?

What is the full form of DIY?
Do it yourself

What is the full form of DJ?
Disk Jockey

What is the full form of DLL ?
Dynamic Link Library

What is the full form of DLNA ?
Digital Living Network Alliance

What is the full form of DM?
Direct Message

What is the full form of DOB ?
Date Of Birth

What is the full form of DOC ?

What is the full form of DP?
The Full form of DP is Display Picture. DP in social media stands for Display Picture also known as a profile picture.

What is the full form of DPI?
Dots Per Inch

What is the full form of DVD ?
Digital Versatile Disc

What is the full form of EAT ?
Energy And Tast

What is the full form of EBCDIC ?
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

What is the full form of EDGE ?
Enhanced Data Rates For GSM Evolution

What is the full form of EDSAC ?
Electronic Dialog Storage Automatic Computer

What is the full form of ENIAC ?
Electronic Number Integrator And Calculator

What is the full form of EPROM ?
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

What is the full form of ESN ?
Electronic Serial Number

What is the full form of ESP?
Email Service Provider

What is the full form of ETA?
Estimated Time of Arrival

What is the full form of ETC?
et cetra

What is the full form of FAQ? Frequently Asked Questions

What is the full form of FIR?
First Information Report

What is the full form of FORTRAN ?
Formular Translator

What is the full form of FOR?
Freight On Road Or Free On Road

What is the full form of FRIEND?
Few Relations In Earth Never Die

What is the full form of FTP ?
File Transport Protocol

What is the full form of FYI ?
For Your Information

What is the full form of GHz?

What is the full form of GFF ?
Grenade Free Foundation

What is the full form of GIF?
Graphics Interchange Format

What is the full form of GIGO ?
Gabbage In Gabbage Out

What is the full form of GOOGLE?
Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth

What is the full form of GPRS ?
General Packet Radio Service

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What is the full form of GPS ?
Global Positioning System

What is the full form of GSM ?
Global System for Mobile Communications

What is the full form of GUI ?
Graphic User Interface

What is the full form of HS?
Hot Spot

What is the full form of HDD?
Hard Disc Drive

What is the full form of HIV?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus

What is the full form of HMDI?
High Definition Multimedia Interface

What is the full form of HP?
Hewlett-Packard Development Company

What is the full form of HR?
Human Resource

What is the full form of HSDPA?
High-Speed Downlink Packet Access

What is the full form of HSPA ?
High-Speed Packet Access

What is the full form of HSUPA?
High-Speed Uplink Packet Access

What is the full form of HTC?
High Tech Computer

What is the full form of HTML?
HyperText Markup Language

What is the full form of HTTP?
HyperText Transfer Protocol

What is the full form of HTTPS?
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

What is the full form of IAS?
Indian Administrative Service

What is the full form of IBM?
International Business Machine Corporation

What is the full form of IC?
Integrated Circuit

What is the full form of ICT?
Information Communication Technology

What is the full form of IDE?
Integrated Drive Electronics

What is the full form of IM?
Instant Messaging

What is the full form of IMEI?
International Mobile Equipment Identity

What is the full form of IP?
Internet Protocol

What is the full form of ISI?
Indian Standards Institute

What is the full form of ISO?
International Organization for Standardization

What is the full form of IVRS?
Interactive Voice Response System

What is the full form of JPG?
Jiont Photographic Experts Group

What is the full form of Kbps?
Kilobits Per Second

What is the full form of KG?

What is the full form of KISS?
Keep it Simple, Stupid

What is the full form of KM?

What is the full form of KPI?
Key Performance Indicator

What is the full form of LAN?
Local Area Network

What is the full form of LCD?
Liquid Crystal Display

What is the full form of LED?
Light Emitting Diode

What is the full form of LG?
LG Electronics

What is the full form of LOL?
Laughing Out Loud, or Laugh Out Loud

What is the full form of LKG?
Lower Kinder Garten

What is the full form of LSIC?
Large Scale Integrated Circuit

What is the full form of Lt. ?

What is the full form of Ltd. ?

What is the full form of MAC?
Media Access Control

What is the full form of MAN?
Metropolitan Area Network

What is the full form of MHz?

What is the full form of MOS?
Metaoxide Semi Conductor

What is the full form of MPEG?
Motion Picture Experts Group

What is the full form of MP?
Miles Per Hour

What is the full form of NASA?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

What is the full form of NAT?
Network Address Translation

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What is the full form of NEWSPAPER?
North East West South Paper Past and Present Events Report

What is the full form of NFC?
Near Field Communication

What is the full form of NPR?
National Population Register

What is the full form of NRI?

What is the full form of PIO ?
Persons Of Indian Origin

What is the full form of NRC?
National Register of Citizens

What is the full form of OK?
Objection Killed or All Correct(OLL Korrect)

What is the full form of OLED?
Organic Light Emitting Diode

What is the full form of OS?
Operating System

What is the full form of OTG?

What is the full form of PAN?
Permanent Account Number

What is the full form of PC?
Personal Computer

What is the full form of PCI ?
Peripheral Component Interconnect

What is the full form of PDA?
Personal Digital Assistant

What is the full form of PDF?
Potable Document Format

What is the full form of PDT?
Parallel Data Transmission

What is the full form of PEN?
Power Enriched In Nib

What is the full form of PHP?
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

What is the full form of PIN?
Personal Identification Number

What is the full form of PM?
Post Meridiem

What is the full form of PPC?
Pay Per Click

What is the full form of PPI?
Pixels Per Inch

What is the full form of PPP?
Point To Point Protocol

What is the full form of PROM?
Programmable Read Only Memory

What is the full form of QS?
Quality Assurance

What is the full form of QVGA?
Quarter Video Graphics Array

What is the full form of RAM?
Random Access Memory

What is the full form of RFI?
Remote File Inclusion

What is the full form of RIP?
Rest In Peace

What is the full form of RW?

What is the full form of SDT?
Serial Data Transmission

What is the full form of SEO?
Search Engine Optimization

What is the full form of SIM?
Subscriber Identity Module

What is the full form of SMS?
Short Message Service

What is the full form of SIMMs?
Single In-line Memory Module

What is the full form of SMILE?
Sweet Memories in Lips Expression

What is the full form of SNS?
Social Network Site

What is the full form of SOS?
Save Our Souls

What is the full form of SQL?
Structured Query Language

What is the full form of TB?

What is the full form of TBps?
Terabytes Per Second

What is the full form of UPS?
Uninterruptible Power Supply

What is the full form of USB?
Universal Serial Bus

What is the full form of URL ?
Uniform Resource Locator

What is the full form of UNEP?
United Nations Environment Programme

What is the full form of VPN?
Virtual Private Network

What is the full form of Wi-Fi ?
Wireless Fidelity

What is the full form of WLAN?
Wireless Local Area Network

What is the full form of WTF?
What The Fuck sometimes written out in the NATO phonetic alphabet: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

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