The Skylark By Christina Georgina: Summary, Analysis, Question-Answers

The Skylark By Christina Georgina

Introduction: The poet explains how the poet feels happy while walking through a cornfield. She sees a skylark soaring up the sky as she marches along. It doesn’t sing, because it flies swiftly in the cornfield. The poet knows that the nest of skylark is hidden in the cornfield. She imagines that her companion is listening too somewhere in the cornfield.

The poem ‘The Skylark’ describes a beautiful and peaceful scene in nature. The poet seems to be in peace, enjoying the sight of a skylark in a calm setting. A Skylark is flying between the green Earth and the Sky. It looks like a singing speck above the corn. The Skylark flies effortlessly up in the sky. The poet walks in between the cornfield and says that the nest of the skylark is somewhere among the stalks. The poet stops for a moment to hear the song of skylark.

Analysis of the Poem

This poem is a celebration of life, nature and love. It’s all about a basic description of the song of a skylark. The skylark has a nest and a mate; the song is only one indication that life goes on. There is an implicit comparison between the loneliness state of the poet and the bird combinations, but the mood of the poem is cheerful and life-based. The narrator is reliving a special afternoon that she once spends in a cornfield. (The bird is traditionally associated with happiness and relates this to the notion of a continuity of life.

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He notices for the first time the millions of stalks and understands how much people can value the world’s rich and fertile soil and its ability to produce food for humanity.

While watching the butterflies he experiences solace and stops to listen to the skylarks serenading one another.

She unintentionally loses track of time while in the cornfield because she is treasuring each moment of listening to the sounds of the creatures. and witnessing the commonly unnoticed beauty of nature. Rossetti walks in the spring and sees a bird humming and soaring with vital energies.

The mood of The Poem
The mood is quite joyous, and the playful freedom of the lark who dips and soars as butterflies dance between the stalks below, they express the optimism of tender, green, youth. The poet is led to hypothesize the presence of an unseen love nesting below if for no other reason than that the springtime demands it and that the lark’s exuberant acrobatics must be directed to another because joy and hope cannot be solitary, but must be reciprocated. Coming as it does at the end of a happy poem about spring, the abrupt end line speaks an unspoken bitterness. The time has grown late, the sun is sinking, and the poet must get home for dinner. Is that why she cannot stay to listen as the lark’s mate listens? Or is that she is suddenly overwhelmed by loneliness, by the absence of love in her own life. By her jealousy and rage at an unseen bird who joys in the songs and dances, her husband makes for her? For you see, the poet has no husband to love but the poet does not complain, literally, she is looking for sympathy, she wants to communicate a concept. It is possible to understand love, real love, as taking joy in others accomplishments and still to live without it. That is the metaphor generated by the ironic ending to this poem.

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Q. Identify the verbs that describe what the skylark and the poet did in the poem.
Ans. The skylark soared in the sky. The poet paused to hear its song.

Q. ‘Time is money’. Is this an example of a metaphor? Why?
Ans.Yes, the kind of direct comparison when one thing is called something else without using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ is a metaphor. Here in the above phrase, time is being compared with money. If time is wasted and if it is not spent wisely, one cannot achieve his goals. As a result, there will be a huge loss of money.

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