Diary Entry: How to Write โ€“ Format and Samples

Diary Entry

A diary is a kind of personal document. It records an individualโ€™s feelings, thought, or activities during the course of a particular day.

A diary entry however is reflective in nature. Rather than simply dealing an event or activity, it presents the thoughts and reflection of the individual to such events or activities.

A diary entry usually has personal feel to it.It is conversation with herself. It can be used :

  1. To express oneโ€™s thoughts , views and philosophy
  2. To express dreams and hopes.
  3. To help one to cope with certain situations or emotions.

A diary is usually private sometimes though it may be shown to close friends.

A diary is written in informal language but it still follows a certain format.

  • Let us look at the format of the diary entry:
  • A diary is frequently written in simple past, present perfect and future.
  • A diary is written in first person.
  • A diary entry usually begins with date ( day and time) which appear in the top left corner.
  • An introductory entry is a general sentence describing the day or momentary feeling. It expresses comment on the day or oneโ€™s state of mind.
  • The main body is an elaboration of the introduction. It discuss events of the day, the writerโ€™s feelings towards it and how it is likely to affect the writerโ€™s future plans.

Important Points

  • First, cut the strips of the day you want to keep.
  • Put them in chronological order
  • Stick together and add linking words at the joins.
  • Write in a well thought out paragraph(s).
  • Be brief and vivid.

Diary entry, structure, examples

Important Questions Answered

Question 1.

Secondly, a diary acts as a progress tracker. Regularly reviewing entries allows individuals to assess their advancement towards their desired outcomes. By documenting achievements, challenges, and setbacks, individuals can observe patterns and identify areas that require improvement or further attention. This self-reflection fosters self-awareness and helps individuals stay accountable to themselves. Moreover, tracking progress in a diary allows for the celebration of small victories along the way, boosting motivation and morale.

Furthermore, a diary enables individuals to analyze their daily routines and habits, identifying any areas that may hinder their progress towards their goals. By examining patterns and behaviors recorded in the diary, individuals can identify habits that support or inhibit their aspirations. This self-awareness empowers individuals to make necessary adjustments and develop new habits that align with their objectives.

In addition to tracking progress, diary writing can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. Reading past entries that highlight achievements and moments of growth can reinforce individualsโ€™ belief in their capabilities. It serves as a reminder of their journey and the progress they have already made, lending encouragement to continue striving towards their goals.

Overall, diary writing offers a tangible and effective means to set goals and track progress. By providing a record of events, achievements, and challenges, it enables individuals to evaluate their progress, identify areas for improvement, and stay motivated. Through this process of self-reflection and self-accountability, diary writing enhances personal growth and increases the likelihood of achieving desired goals.

Question 2.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a diary entry?

When writing a diary entry, it is important to avoid certain common mistakes. Here are some tips to help you steer clear of these errors:

  1. Avoid using abbreviations and ensure that your sentence structure and language are grammatically correct. Remember, your diary entry should reflect proper writing skills.
  2. Write your entries in the past tense as you are recounting events or experiences that have already occurred. This helps maintain the chronological order of your entries.

  3. Pay attention to the spelling of the word โ€œdiaryโ€. It is often misspelled as โ€œdairy,โ€ so double-check your spelling to ensure accuracy.

  4. Keep the content of your main body focused on the specific incident or experience you are writing about. Avoid including irrelevant information that dilutes the purpose of your entry.

  5. Be mindful of the word limit for your diary entry. Keeping your writing concise and within the assigned word count allows you to effectively convey your thoughts and emotions without unnecessary verbosity.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can enhance the quality and clarity of your diary entries, making them more impactful and enjoyable to read.

Question 3.

What language and tone should be used in a diary entry?

In a diary entry, it is best to use an informal language style. Let your words flow naturally, as if you were having a conversation with a close friend. The tone should reflect a friendly and personal vibe, although it may differ depending on the content of each entry. Remember that a diary is a place to express your thoughts and feelings, so feel free to let your emotions come through in your writing.

Question 4.

How should a diary entry be structured?

A diary entry should be structured in a clear and organized manner, allowing the writer to effectively express their thoughts and emotions. Here is a suggested format for a diary entry:

  1. Date: Begin by writing the date at the top of the entry. This helps to provide a chronological order to your entries, making it easier to look back on them later.
  2. Day: Include the day of the week to give context to your entry. Knowing the day helps to establish the timeline of events and reflections.

  3. Time: Write down the time of day that you are making the entry. This can be helpful in capturing specific moments or experiences that occurred at certain times.

  4. Place: Mention the location or setting in which you are writing the entry. Describing the environment can provide additional context and vividness to your writing.

  5. Salutation: Begin your entry with a salutation such as โ€œDear diaryโ€ or โ€œHello diaryโ€. This sets the tone and establishes a personal connection between you and your diary.

  6. Main content: This is the core of your entry, where you describe the significant events or thoughts of the day. Be honest and detailed, expressing how you feel about these experiences and their impact on you. You can also reflect on any emotions, challenges, or victories you have encountered.

  7. Closing: Conclude your entry with a closing, such as โ€œBye diaryโ€ or any other farewell that feels natural to you. This brings closure to the entry and signifies the end of that dayโ€™s thoughts and reflections.

  8. Your name: Sign off your entry by including your name or signature. This adds a personal touch and helps to further establish a connection between you and your diary.

By following this suggested structure, you can create well-organized and meaningful diary entries that effectively capture your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Question 5.

What is the purpose of diary writing?

The purpose of diary writing is to provide a written account of various aspects of oneโ€™s life, including incidents, feelings, observations, reactions, conversations, and any other noteworthy occurrences that take place throughout the day. It serves as a means for individuals to document and reflect upon their experiences, helping them to preserve memories and gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and emotions. By regularly recording these aspects of their daily lives, diary writing can also serve as a personal therapeutic outlet for self-expression and self-discovery.

Question 6.

What is the format for writing a diary entry?

The format for writing a diary entry can vary depending on personal preference. However, in general, a diary entry begins with the mention of the date, day, and place, usually placed on the top right corner of the page. It is common to include specifics such as the spot or location, the specific date, the day of the week, and even the time of writing. For instance, a diary entry may commence like this โ€“ โ€œ28 March 2023, Monday, Panchkula.โ€ Following this, the content of the diary entry typically includes the recounting of an incident, happening, or event. At the conclusion of the entry, it is common to include a salutation such as โ€œBye dear diaryโ€ accompanied by the writerโ€™s signature. This serves as a way to bid farewell to the diary for the day and adds a personal touch to the entry. This general format is widely accepted and often followed in CBSE examinations when asked to write a diary entry.

Question 7.

What is the format for writing a diary entry in CBSE questions?

The format for writing a diary entry in CBSE questions includes specific elements such as the location, date, day, and time of writing. For instance, a diary entry typically starts with the mentioned details, as follows:

  • Location: The place where the entry is being written, such as the city or town.- Date: The specific date on which the entry is being made.- Day: The day of the week corresponding to the date.- Time: Optionally, the hour or approximate time of the entry.

Following these introductory details, the content of the diary entry should be written, capturing the incident, event, or personal experience being described. At the end, it is customary to conclude with a salutation or farewell phrase like โ€œBye dear diaryโ€ or any other suitable closing statement. Finally, the writer signs the entry to express their ownership or authorship of the diary entry.

In CBSE questions, the accepted format for diary writing adheres to the aforementioned structure. This ensures that the diary entry is organized, concise, and easy to understand.

Question 8.

What are the specifications for diary writing in class 9?

In class 9, the Term 2 exam for English includes a question on diary writing with specific specifications. The question will provide an internal choice, meaning students can choose to attempt either a diary entry or a story writing question. The diary entry question will be worth 5 marks and must be written within a word limit of 100-150 words. It is crucial for students to follow the prescribed format while answering the question. To assist students in understanding the requirements, there are given examples of diary writing specifically designed for both class 8 and class 9 students. These specifications aim to provide clarity and guidance to students as they engage in diary writing during the examination.

Question 9.

How can diary writing be done in class 8?

Diary writing in Class 8 can be encouraged as a way for students to express their thoughts, emotions, and future plans. Within the classroom setting, students are given the opportunity to write small notes or paragraphs in their diaries. This activity allows them to reflect on their experiences, articulate their feelings, and set goals for the future. By incorporating diary writing into their routine, students are able to develop their writing skills and learn the value of self-expression. The diary entries can be written during designated times or as part of a language arts or creative writing lesson. Ultimately, diary writing in Class 8 serves as a personal and reflective activity that helps students cultivate their communication abilities and connect with their own thoughts and aspirations.

Additional Questions Answered

Question 1.

How should a diary entry be organized and formatted?


Is there any specific formatting or organization to consider?

The date should appear in the top left corner of the diary entry. The entry should be written in first person, often using simple past, present perfect, or future tenses. It is recommended to write in well-thought-out paragraphs, being both brief and vivid in the description of events and emotions.

How should the entry be concluded?

The entry should be concluded with a closing statement, such as โ€œBye diary.โ€ This signifies the end of the entry and can be followed by a signature or name of the writer.

What should be included in the introductory sentence?

The introductory sentence should provide a general description of the day or momentary feeling. It should express a comment on the day or oneโ€™s state of mind.

How should the diary entry be structured?

The diary entry should be structured with the date appearing in the top left corner, followed by an introductory sentence expressing a comment on the day or oneโ€™s state of mind. The main body should elaborate on the introduction, discussing events of the day, the writerโ€™s feelings towards it, and how it may affect future plans. The entry should end with a closing statement, such as โ€œBye diary,โ€ and may include a signature or name.

What elements should be included in a diary entry?

A diary entry should include the date, day, time, place, salutation, main content, closing, and signature or name.

Full Answer Combined with Your Original

Let us delve into the format of a diary entry, keeping in mind the principles outlined in Your article:

  • A diary is typically written using simple past, present perfect, and future tenses to express different points in time.- The diary entry is written from a first-person perspective, allowing for a personal and introspective tone.- It is customary to begin the entry with the date, including the day and time, positioned in the top left corner.- An introductory sentence sets the stage for the entry, capturing the essence of the day or the writerโ€™s current emotional state.- The main body of the entry expands upon the introduction, delving into the events of the day, the writerโ€™s emotions, and how these experiences may shape their future plans.

While Your article provides a solid foundation for organizing and formatting a diary entry, Their article offers a more comprehensive and detailed approach. In addition to the aforementioned guidelines, it provides a step-by-step process for organizing oneโ€™s thoughts into a coherent narrative.

To begin, carefully select the significant moments or experiences from the day. Next, cut these moments into strips and arrange them in chronological order. Ensure that the strips are seamlessly joined together using appropriate linking words, creating a smooth flow of ideas. With these strips in place, it is time to craft a well-thought-out paragraph(s) that captures the essence of the day.

Remember, brevity and vividness are key. Choose your words carefully, allowing them to paint a vivid picture of your experiences and emotions. By adhering to these guidelines, your diary entry will not only be well-structured but also engaging and reflective of your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Question 2.

Q. What should be included in a diary entry?


Q. Should a diary entry include the date, day, time, and place?

Yes, a good diary entry should include the date, day, time, and place at the beginning of the entry. This provides context and a sense of time and location for the events being described.

Q. Should a diary entry include the writerโ€™s name or signature?

Yes, it is suggested to include the writerโ€™s name or signature as part of the closing. It adds a personal touch to the entry.

Q. What salutations should be used in a diary entry?

Salutations like โ€œDear diaryโ€ or โ€œHello diaryโ€ can be used to establish a personal connection with the diary.

Q. What should be the structure of a diary entry?

A diary entry should be structured with the following elements:

Full Answer Combined

Date: 7th June, 20โ€ฆ
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10:00 PM

Dear Diary,

Today was my first day as a class teacher in class IV-A. It was both an exciting and difficult task. I was happy to see the children eagerly waiting for me. Their eyes were full of love and warmth, making me feel comfortable and welcomed. I thought it would be difficult to make them adjust to a new teacher, but winning their love and affection turned out to be quite easy.

Throughout the day, I taught them a lesson, participated in the assembly, and had interactions with the students during break time. It was a busy and exciting day. Today, I also had a memorable experience outside of school. I performed a magic show for school children at the Community Hall. The childrenโ€™s enthusiasm and excitement were overwhelming. They surrounded me, waiting for the show to begin. As I performed each trick, they enjoyed and applauded. It was a magical experience.

On another note, I was saddened to learn that our maidโ€™s three daughters do not go to school, while her only son is a student in class 4. This highlights the patriarchal setup and the need to promote female education. We must change this mindset and provide equal opportunities for girls.

On a positive note, I am proud of convincing my parents to allow my younger brother to pursue his interest in hockey. It was a successful day for me as I advocated for the importance of choosing a career based on oneโ€™s interest. Lastly, I witnessed a disturbing incident in the market where a teenager driving without a license hit an old man. The lack of conscience and the promotion of such crimes shocked me.

Today, I also made a new friend who is talented, humble, and supportive. He excels in various activities and is always ready to help others. I feel proud to have him as a friend. Overall, my diary entry includes my experiences as a teacher, my personal reflections, observations about society, and significant events that impacted me.
Bye Diary

Date: [Current Date]
Day: [Day of the Week]
Time: [Current Time]
Place: [Location]
Salutation: Dear Diary,
Main Content: [Copy of Your article]
Closing: Bye diary,
Your Name: [Your Name/Signature]

Question 3.

What is diary writing?


How does diary writing benefit individuals?

Diary writing provides a means of self-expression and self-reflection. It offers an outlet to explore and analyze thoughts, track personal growth, preserve memories, and navigate the complexities of life. It can also serve as a form of therapy, providing a space to process emotions and gain clarity.

What is the purpose of diary writing?

Diary writing serves as a personal record of events and happenings in a personโ€™s life. It allows individuals to document their experiences, thoughts, and emotions in a private and intimate space.

Is diary writing a form of creative writing?

Diary writing is described as a creative writing topic, suggesting that it can be approached with creativity and personal expression, highlighting its potential as a creative outlet.

Is there a language requirement for diary writing?

Diary writing can be done in any language, indicating that there is no language requirement or restriction for this practice.

What is the content of a diary?

A diary can record incidents, feelings, reactions, conversations, and any other memorable things that happen during the day.

Full Answer Combined

โ€œDiary writing is a personal and reflective practice that allows individuals to record their thoughts, experiences, and emotions in a private and intimate space. A diary serves as a means of self-expression, providing an outlet for oneโ€™s innermost feelings and reflections. It is a personal record of events and happenings in a personโ€™s life, allowing the writer to document their daily activities, significant events, and interactions with others. Diary writing captures both the mundane and extraordinary moments, creating a narrative that preserves memories and serves as a valuable tool for self-reflection and introspection.

Through diary writing, individuals can explore and analyze their thoughts, gaining clarity and a deeper understanding of themselves. It offers a platform to navigate the complexities of life, as well as track personal growth and development over time. This creative writing topic allows for the expression of emotions and the processing of experiences, serving as a form of therapy and providing a safe space to process and release emotions.

Diary writing is not limited to any specific language; it can be done in any language that allows the writer to convey their thoughts and emotions effectively. It goes beyond a mere documentation of events, as it is a personalized and creative form of writing. By recording incidents, feelings, reactions, conversations, and any other memorable things that happen during the day, diary writing becomes a powerful and cathartic practice, enabling individuals to document their unique experiences and reflect upon the journey of their lives.โ€

Now that we have looked at โ€˜How to Write Diary Entryโ€™, let us read some sample diary entries:


1. You are Shabir. Write a diary entry in your own words about your experience of donating blood.

19 January 20โ€ฆ
9.0 pm

Dear Diary
Wow! How satisfied and super excited I feel! Today, I performed a noble deed. I mean I donated blood. My school organized a voluntary blood donation drive. When I told my mother about the drive, she was worried. She was concerned that blood donation would weaken me. So, I talked to my biology teacher about her concern and she assured me that donating blood was completely fine. So, I was stepped forward and donated blood. I was even able to persuade some of my colleagues to do the same. After donating blood, I felt no weakness. What I thought was a feeling of purpose and happiness. I understand the blood Iโ€™ve given can even save a life. The tiny quantity of blood I gave up did not make me any weaker but it could save a valuable life fighting a severe injury or life-threatening disease. This experience also made me conscious that such noble campaigns need to be promoted. After a few months, Iโ€™m going to donate blood again. Iโ€™m asking everyone to do the same.

  1. You rescued a girl from drowning in the river. Write a diary entry in your own words about your experience.

10 June 20โ€ฆ.
9.0 pm

Dear Diary
What an eventful day was today! I rescued a little girl from drowning in the river. I still canโ€™t believe that I did it. How could I do this? Where did it I get the courage from? I donโ€™t know. I was going to the mosque to offer salat I heard a child cry from the riverbank for assistance. I hurried to see the child crying out for assistance. His sister had fallen into the river and was unable to swim. He couldnโ€™t swim. I saw her arms flapping. I also cried out for help in the hope that somebody would come, but when I saw no one near the river I got the courage and jumped into the water. The girl was starting to sink by then. I swam with all my strength and got her hair stuck. While itโ€™s true that I can swim but it was quite a challenge for me to hold her head above water while swimming back to the bank. Fortunately, people had gathered by the moment we reached the bank and somebody gave her emergency medical assistance and rushed her to the hospital. Everyone commended me for saving a childโ€™s life that endangers my own life. Mom and father were nine in the cloud. I felt pleased as well as proud.

Date: 7th June, 20โ€ฆ
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10:00 PM

Dear Diary,
I woke up at 6 oโ€™clock in the morning. We had breakfast and dressed up. Today we all went to Fantasize Amusement park nearby at my home town. We started from home at 7 oโ€™clock. As soon as we reached there, we bought our tickets and went inside. I was so excited about seeing the rides. My parents and brother liked the โ€œThunderfall rideโ€. My favorite rides were Water Splash, Caterpillar Ride, Wave Pool, and Pirate Ship. After a couple of hours, we had our lunch. In the afternoon we had the scariest ride that is the Space Gun. We got back to our home in the evening. It was a great day and I enjoyed a lot.

30 November 20โ€ฆ
9.0 PM

Dear Diary,
I had the best day ever today. I woke up this morning, the sun was shining through the curtains and I could smell breakfast cooking downstairs. I jumped out of my bed, threw on my school clothes and skipped down to the kitchen. A delicious breakfast of pancakes with syrup was waiting for me on the table and I gobbled it down as quick as a flash. I grabbed my school bag, shouted goodbye to my mum and dashed out of the door to school.

When I arrived at school, my teacher handed my homework back to me and a huge grin spread across her face. Guess what? I got 20 out of 20! I couldnโ€™t believe it! We had my best lessons in the morning (Literacy and Geography).

Before I knew it, it was lunchtime. The menu today was my favourite: Paneer Tikka followed by Chocolate pudding โ€“ yum! The afternoon flew by, and we ended the school day with a really fun game of Dodgeball.
After school, I came home and was met with the most amazing surprise; my mum told me that we were going out to the cinema and to Pizza Hut for dinner. We had a fantastic time!
Iโ€™m sitting on my bed writing this, remembering all the fun things that happened today. I hope tomorrow is just as good!

May 25, 20โ€ฆ.

Dear Diary,
Iโ€™m so upset! I wanted to meet Jennifer today after school and she didnโ€™t turn up. This is the third time this month sheโ€™s done this โ€“ I hate it! And it really makes me mad that she doesnโ€™t even feel guilty about it.
Then Tom walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema with him. Thatโ€™s just what I needed! He is the most stupid boy I know and going out with him would give me nightmares. Ugh! Horrible idea!
I hope life will be better tomorrow โ€ฆ

May 25, 20โ€ฆ.
9.0 PM

Dear Diary,
We went on our class trip today โ€“ it was fun. I felt stupid at the beginning; everybody on the coach was tired and nobody talked to me, but then people started to wake up and we had a great time fooling around. It was great, telling jokes, making fun of teachers and so on. The theme park was fantastic โ€“ we all loved it! The โ€œHaunted Houseโ€ was really scary, but I went in together with Kevin, the tall handsome boy who plays in the school basketball team, and he was holding my hand all the time โ€ฆ Iโ€™m feeling on top of the world! Iโ€™m looking forward to tomorrowโ€™s lessons โ€“ strange, isnโ€™t it?

May 25, 20โ€ฆ.
9.0 PM

Dear Diary,
I feel great! I think I completely failed my maths test โ€“thatโ€™s cool! Iโ€™m sure I failed yesterdayโ€™s French test, Too Great, isnโ€™t it? And tomorrow Dad wants to talk to me about school grades โ€“ thatโ€™s wonderful!
But โ€“ believe it or not โ€“ I passed my driving test. Iโ€™m so upset!!! Mom gave me a little chocolate car as a present. I hate it. What a horrible idea!
Iโ€™ve got to do my maths homework now. Super!

10 January 20โ€ฆ
9.30 pm

Dear Diary
Today was the most exciting and fulfilling day of my life. I had been waiting for this day for so many years. I always thought I will never be able to paint a prize-winning entry. But to my astonishment when the Art Club incharge announced the results, I couldnโ€™t believe my ears. I had finally made it to the top. I won the first prize and my painting was about Make My City Green, my friends came rushing to me and hugged me as soon as they heard my name. My class teacher felt proud of me and gave me a warm hug. I ran to my art teacher and touched her feet. After all, it was her training and encouragement that had made the difference. She took me in her arms and gave me apart on my back.
As soon as I reached home, my parents gave me a pleasant surprise. They had ordered my favorite cake and my mother had cooked a delicious meal for me. When asked how they knew about the first prize, they said that they knew their daughter very well. *They were sure of me winning the prize. I was amazed at their trust in me. In the evening they took me to the amusement park where I enjoyed myself greatly.
Finally, we all came back home and had a lovely meal cooked by my grandmother.

11 January 20โ€ฆ
8.00 pm

Dear Diary
The trip to Kulu Manali with school friends was indeed an amazing one. Initially, thought my parents wouldnโ€™t allow me. But I was very happy when they consented to the trip. We were forty in number including five teachers, who accompanied us. The bus started at 6 am from the school premises on 7th January and we returned in the morning today. The trip was a memorable one as we enjoyed each and every moment of it. We saw the snowfall which was a heavenly sight. Luckily the roads were not blocked and we reached safely today. Everything lay under a blanket of snow. We all felt lucky as there were many people who had come to see the snowfall but could not manage to reach as the roads were blocked on the Himachal border. They were not allowing people to enter the state as they were expecting more snowfall in the next two few days. Since this was my first outstation trip without my parents, I had saved a good amount of money in my piggy bank. I took out all the money and decided to buy something for my parents and my younger sister. I had collected about 5,000 rupees. Our teachers took us to Himachal state emporium from where I bought a warm shawl and a cosy coat for my parents a nice jacket for myself and my sister. They were stunned to see that I had shopped for everyone. They enquired how I managed to buy so much with just 500 rupees which they gave me. Then I told them the whole story about my savings. They hugged me and thanked me for the gifts.
It was a memorable and a joy-filled experience indeed!

11 January 20โ€ฆ

Dear Diary
Being a class teacher is both an exciting and difficult task. I realized the amount of hard work put in by teachers in daily teaching roles. I entered the class and was very happy to see the children waiting for me eagerly and curiously. Today was my first day in class IV-A and I was wondering how the day would go. But to my surprise, I saw that the childrenโ€™s eyes were full of love and warmth. In no time, they made me feel comfortable and I didnโ€™t feel that I was new to them. I thought it was a very difficult task to make the children adjust to a new teacher but I felt it was a myth. Winning their love and affection was quite easy. Their eyes showed expectations which were both easy and difficult to meet. Class control was not tough for me but grabbing their full attention was challenging.

Initially, I felt I was talking to the walls around and felt frustrated. But gradually when I started to involve them in the talk, there was a lot of interaction taking place. They took some time to judge me and then they finally broke out with a few questions and opinions. What a satisfying experience it was. It was a busy day with so many happenings in one single day. I taught the lesson, The Rainbow which the students enjoyed a lot and participated actively in the discussion. I attended the assembly conducted by the House on duty. Break time was time with students coming to me and offering their food to me. A memorable and an exciting day indeed!

10 January 2019
9.30 pm

Dear Diary
It was a memorable day today because of the magic show that I presented for school children at the Community Hall of the school premises at Saint Valley School, Pattan. I felt proud to see the innocent crowd waiting for my different mesmerizing acts. I could not believe my eyes when they clapped and the sound echoed throughout the hall. They all came forward and surrounded me like bees. All the children were waiting impatiently for the show to begin. The childrenโ€™s shouts and cries โ€œMagic Man, Magic Man! Show us your magic,โ€ are still echoing in my ears. As soon as I started taking out my things to stan the show, the entire place became peaceful and there was pin drop silence. Everyone sat still as if someone had cast a spell on them. I saw their eager faces and wondered how much they would be thrilled by my magical feats soon. One and the other, they enjoyed each and every trick that I showed. Finally, it was time for me to say goodbye to them. I felt I had fully won their love and affection. They followed me until the gate to bid me goodbye. For some time, I felt so close to them and they had given me unconditional love. I shall always remember them.

10 December, 20โ€ฆ
10:30 PM

Dead Diary
Today I was really shocked to know that our maidโ€™s three daughters donโ€™t go to school but her only son is a student of class 4. The daughters also work as maids in households in our colony. Today one of them came to my house in place of her mother as her mother was sick. When I asked her if she goes to school, she very innocently replied, โ€œI donโ€™t go, but my brother goes to schoolโ€. She had no complaint about the outfit as it was her destiny to work as a ma aid and her brother is destined to go to school and be educated. This is the way our society lives and work. It is a patriarchal setup.

Nobody wants to promote girls, allow them to move freely. Even at this age, we nurture this view. It is not at all a good sign for society. We must change it and promote female education to make a perfect society. Females can do wonders if given the opportunity.

20th December, 20โ€ฆ
10:00 PM

Dear Diary
I am a winner today. It is a very successful day for me and I feel great. I could convince my parents who had been against the wish of my younger brother who wanted to join hockey. My parents were not ready to allow him because they thought, it is a risky game.
My brother was very much inclined to join it as he thought it very exciting. Whereas our parents thought it outdated and dangerous. But I told my father that one should always be given the opportunity to choose oneโ€™s career according to oneโ€™s interest and motivation. My father wanted my brother should take a government job or run his own business. We argued everything and finally, my parents were convinced. They allowed me younger brother to go for what he likes. Hurrah!

26th November, 20โ€ฆ
10:00 p.m.

Dear Diary
Today I had been to market at about 11 a.m. It was the busiest hour. People were rushing for office. Shopkeepers were in a hurry to open their shops. Traffic was heavy on the road. Suddenly I was alarmed at a loud screeching sound. I saw a speeding car stopped just a few meters away from me. It had hit an old man who was crossing the road? The driver was a teenager of about 18. He lost balance and got nervous. As it was a us, he couldnโ€™t escape. The old man was badly injured and his head was profusely bleeding. I came nearer and asked the mob to take the old man to the nearby hospital. Two young gentlemen helped me and we took him to the nearest clinic. In the meantime, the police patrol van reached there and took the car and the driver in its control. The boy who was driving the car had no driving license. The police called his father obviously an influential personality. The father seemed to be not repentant for this. I was shocked to see how people have lost their conscience and promote such crimes.

25th December, 20โ€ฆ
9:30 p.m.

Dear Diary
Today I am very happy that I have got a new friend. He is one of the best and talented students of the school. He is very humble and everyone appreciates his behaviour and submissive nature. He is cooperative. He is always ready to support weak students. Not only in study but also in extracurricular activities, he takes part actively.

He is champion in speech, debate, drama and in games and sports. All the teachers praise him. Today, he helped me in preparing a project. I was puzzled as it was not of my interest. But he made me feel very easy in understanding it. He is helpful to all. The great thing about him is his submissive and open nature. I feel proud to be his friend.

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