The Secret to Survive

The Secret to Survive (A True story)

There was a Jew in Crown Brooklyn, New York. His name was Yankel. He had a bakery there. Once upon a time, he was a victim of cruel Nazi camps of Hitler. He frequently tells his story to other people :

โ€œI was just a teenager at that time. We were on a train. More than 100 Jews were on the train. We were being taken to Auschwitz, Poland. Night came and it was deadly cold in the compartment. The Germans used to leave the compartments on the tracks overnight. For many days, We had no food and no blanket.

An old man sat beside me. I recognized he was from my hometown. He was shivering from head to toe. We talked for a few minutes in a friendly manner.

The weather became more horrible. The temperature dropped below minus 5 degrees. All we people faced a terrible situation. Our blood started becoming ice. The old man was unable to bear the cold. I wrapped my arms around him and began rubbing him to create heat in his body. I rubbed his arms, his legs, his face, and his neck. I begged him to tolerate the terrible cold.

I kept the man warm this way all night. Iโ€™ve been tired. Iโ€™ve been freezing. My fingers got numb. But I didnโ€™t stop rubbing the body of this man. I continued this way hours and hours.

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The night finally went by, the morning came and the sun began to shine. In the cabin, there was some warmth. Then I looked over the chamber to see other Jews. Iโ€™ve been shocked. All I could see were dead bodies frozen.

Nobody else could win the horrible cold night. All people died from the cold. Only two people survived: the old man and me. The old man survived because I kept him warm; I survived because I was warming him. While I was generating heat in his body, automatically heat was generated in my body. So I could survive.

The Secret to Survive

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