Questions and Summary Of I Am Explaining a Few Thing

I Am Explaining a Few Thing

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) was the pen name and later the legal name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, a well-known Chilean writer and politician. He was awarded the 1950 World Peace Prize and the 1971 Nobel Prize for literature. Walt Whitman was one of his icons, and he wrote an ode to honour him. He was a committed supporter of Stalin and Fidel Castro, and in his poetry, you can even discover some of this effect.

Neruda held numerous diplomatic posts in his life and served as a senator of the Communist Party of Chile. When Conservative President Gonzalez Videla banned communism in Chile, a warrant for Nerudaโ€™s arrest was also issued. For months his followers hid him in the basement of a house in the port of Valparaiso in Chile. Neruda then escaped to Argentina in exile through the mountain pass near Maihue Lake. Neruda became a close collaborator with the Socialist President Salvador Allende some years later.

At the time of the Chilean coup detat led by Augusto Pinochet, Neruda was hospitalised with cancer. Neruda died of heart failure after three days at the hospital. His death reverberated worldwide. Pinochet had not allowed the funeral of Neruda to be transformed into a public event. But thousands of Chileans broke the curfew and the streets were crowded. The funeral procession of Neruda was the first spectacular protest against the military dictatorship of Chile.

His poetry covers a wide range of subjects, including poems on fruit and vegetables, answers to critics of his poetry, and even the beauty of the great dictionary. Sometimes I got the feeling that he didnโ€™t share everything with his readers, but only scratched the surface of his thoughts, feelings and thoughts to create a sense of darkness or secrecy in his poem.

โ€ I Explain A Few Things โ€ Summary

The war had a great impact on Pablo Nerudaโ€™s writings. His writings were previously very personal, internal, often concerned with the question of existence in the modern, chaotic world. However, his experience in Spain during the Civil War changed his life and consequently his poetry completely. He was much more concerned with social and political justice issues now. Many of his works, including a present poem โ€œFrom I Explain a Few Thingsโ€, were radically influenced by the war.

In this poem, the poet explains why his writing has changed and why his poetry no longer talks about his countryโ€™s love, nature and sweet dreams. The poem explains how it changed everything one morning; the war morning. Spain was broken during the three years of war.

The poet speaks of several beautiful memories in the poem at first. He talks about his house like it was: life bursting. Geraniums, dogs, children were running, playing and enjoying. He also tells how great it was at that time; the smells, the colours, the thriving public market life. The clock towers of the church, the clocks and the large area of land thickly covered with trees were the characteristic features of his country. The capital represented a busy life and prosperity.

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But the city was on fire one morning. There was an attack, probably by the fascist regime at that time. Everything became ruins. The people, the animals, the crops, the vegetables, the flowers, the buildings, the towers, the moors, etc. The young hooligans and criminals began to pervert all works of art, public and private property and the beauty of nature in a destructive way. There was blood everywhere on Madridโ€™s street, the blood of Spainโ€™s childrenโ€™s blood. Above all, well-known poets such as Federico Lorca and Rafael Albert were murdered.

2. What are the memories that the poet talks about in the poem?

Answer: The poet speaks of several lovely memories in the poem. He talks about his house like it was life bursting. Flowers, dogs, children were running and playing. He also tells how great it was at that time; the smells, the colours, the thriving public market life. The clock towers of the church, the clocks and the large area of land thickly covered with trees were the characteristic features of his country. Capital symbolised prosperity and lived together.

3. What happened later and why?

Answer: There was a city on fire. There was an attack, probably by the fascist regime at that time. Everything became ruins. The people, the animals, the crops, the vegetables, the flowers, the buildings, the towers, the moors, etc. The young hooligans and criminals began to pervert all works of art, public and private property and the beauty of nature in a destructive way. There was blood everywhere on Madridโ€™s street, the blood of Spainโ€™s childrenโ€™s blood. Above all, the noted poets like Federico Lorca and Rafael Albert were assassinated.

4. Why doesnโ€™t the poet write sweet dream poetry?

Answer: The poet doesnโ€™t write the poetry of sweet dreams because everywhere in the streets of the city there was devastation, vandalism and blood. It was the blood of children; the blood of the posterity of Spain. The tyrants have damaged all the artworks and the natural beauty of the country. Even the unfamiliar poets were killed. In this situation, the poet could not write anything about his countryโ€™s beauty and dreams.

5. Explain the lines:
My house was named
the house of flowersโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..moment blood

Answer: The poet talks about his house in these lines as it was: bursting with life. Flowers, dogs, children were running and playing. His house was called the flowers โ€˜ house, because geraniums and other colourful flowers spread throughout his house, making it pleasant and prosperous. But the war destroyed everything later. Blood existed everywhere in place of flowers.

6. How has the civil war affected Spain?

Answer: Civil war has ruined everything. It has destroyed the property, the beauty and the promising future of Spain. All the artworks, public and private property and the beauty of the country have been destroyed. Many famous poets have been killed, including Federico Lorca and Rafael Albert. The next generation was slaughtered, and everywhere there was only blood.

7. Explain the journey of the poet from happiness to agony?

Answer: The poet lived in a prosperous town that reflected a future, promising. His life was full of joy. The clock towers of the church, the clocks and the large area of land covered thickly with trees were the special features of his country. His house was also full of life. Flowers, dogs, children were running and playing. The hustle and bustle could be seen all the time and everywhere.

Later the happy life of the poet turned to agony. The city was on fire one day. There was an attack, probably by the fascist regime at that time. Everything became ruins. The people, the animals, the crops, the vegetables, the flowers, the buildings, the towers, the moors, etc. The young hooligans and criminals began to pervert all works of art, public and private property and the beauty of nature in a destructive way.

There was a flood of blood all over Madrid, the blood of the posterity of Spain and the blood of children. Even well-known poets such as Federico Lorca and Rafael Albert were murdered. Because of this devastation, the poet could not write anything about his countryโ€™s dreams.

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8. What is the mood of the poet in the poem? How do you feel after reading this poem?

Answer: The poet shows in this poem the feeling of hurt and suffering caused by the murders and deaths of the Spanish Civil War. The words children represent innocence, helplessness or lack of control over what happens. The poet also laments the murder of his countryโ€™s famous people, such as Lorca and Rafael. So the poetโ€™s mood was desperately painful and hurt. We also feel greatly hurt when we learn the scale of war-related devastation and death. After reading this poem, our heart is filled with sorrow and pain.

Another Answer For This Question

The poet feels very happy in the opening lines of the poem and his life is enthusiastic because everything looks pleasant and attractive. โ€ There is no sign of pain or sorrow in his face or his heart. But when civil war breaks out in Spain, it transforms it (Spain) into a land of dead bodies and broken houses from a land of flowers. There are destruction and devastation all around, and his heart is full of sorrow. He is very sorry and regrets that the wicked and traitorous have suffered damage. In fact, the poem is a lamentation (elegy) about the Spanish civil war in which the poet expresses grief and sadness and regrets that the well-known Spanish poets, Garcรญa Lorca and Rafael Albert, have been killed. After we went through this poem, we got the same sorry and sad feelings as the poet.

I Explain A Few Things: Literary Devices

9. Pick out at least two symbols used by the poet in the poem.

Answer: There are plenty of symbols used by the poet in the poem. Bells, clocks, trees, flowers, dogs, children, and crops are the symbols of prosperity, beauty and promising future of Spain while jackals, bandits, stones, vipers, fire, blood, and bullets are the symbols of despair, devastation, vandalism, and deaths

10. Pick out the images used by the poet to describe peace and war in the poem.

Answer: This poem gives the imagery of how it was before the war and how it was during the war. Some images have been used by the poet to describe the peace and some images have been used by him to describe war. Here are the examples of both:

Images Describing Peace:
The city with bells, with clocks, with trees
The house of flowers.
The build of roofs with cold sun.
Tomatoes multiplied down the sea.
These lines show the imagery of peace and prosperity before the war

Images Describing War:
The bonfires leapt from the earth.
The blood of the children.
Burning metal flows.
The blood through the streets.
These lines show imagery of the killings and deaths that happened due to the war.

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